domingo, 12 de abril de 2020


First Spanish – Below English

"..Familias de Madrid tomen las de Villadiego y no pocas las que crean que las de Villadiego están en Asturias...", no, no voy hablar del covid-19, primero porque no soy virólogo, y después porque la ingesta de información y números sobre el tema, nos está produciendo una borrachera de cifras, que nos va a llevar al coma numérico, aunque la situación  es dramática, es bueno de vez en cuando sonreír.
Revista Asturias (La Habana) 15/12/1918
La forma habitual en Asturiano, de decir traje, es traxe.
Revista Asturias (La Habana) 31/03/1919

Aclaro influenza es gripe en inglés, incluso en España también se llamó así. No era la primera vez de ese uso de una bebida alcohólica, en este blog hay un post, de la viruela y la sidra, pero tranquilos, tampoco voy hablar de la mal llamada gripe española (1918-19) que tanto nos recuerdan estos días.
El comienzo de este post, era publicado  por El Carbayón el 12/06/1885, ese mismo periódico de Oviedo, pedía al Gobernador Civil, hay que recordar que en aquellos tiempos era la provincia de Oviedo no Asturias, que solicitará al Ministerio, que le permitiera abrir lazaretos (también son conocidos así, los hospitales de los leprosos) en los límites de Asturias, para aislar a los viajeros que procediendo de Madrid ya que se estaban produciéndose casos de cólera-morbo-asiático, y pedía 7 días de cuarentena, ”como la época de la inmigración de bañistas y forasteros se acerca, esta será mayor que en años anteriores y el cólera podrá penetrar en Asturias sin obstáculo alguno”, el contagio era a través del agua, alimentos, y por ropa mal lavada, debido a que es una enfermedad que afecta al intestino y produce grandes diarreas, en aquellos tiempos no se cloraban las aguas de consumo, .
El cólera fue una enfermedad muy recurrente en España y Europa a lo largo del s. XIX, y se producía en las fronteras tanto internas, como externas, los llamados cordones sanitarios, por ejemplo, el Regimiento Asturias, nº 31, en octubre de 1884, fue destinado al Pirineo, por epidemía de cólera en Francia,  incluso locales como por ejemplo en la parroquia de Santa Eulalia de Ardisana (Llanes – Asturias), en noviembre de 1911 se levantó un cordón sanitario, y se volvió a permitir los mercados en los lugares que se hacían anteriormente.
Era habitual encontrar anuncios de controles en los puertos nacionales a los barcos, por epidemías en otros paises, no solo cólera sino también hubo epidemias de tifus, viruela, sarampión, malaria o incluso de dengue, que es transmitido a través de los mosquitos, era habitual leer el intento de desecar lagunas cerca de las zonas habitadas.
La República (Madrid) 05/01/1890

En enero de 1892, el periodista José Francos Rodríguez (Madrid 05/04/1862 – Madrid 11/07/1931), era médico, llegó a ser Alcalde de Madrid, firma dos artículos en el periódico La Justicia, en aquel momento se pensaba que volvería una epidemia de gripe, ya que había sufrido una importante entre 1889 a 1890, en el artículo se autodefine, como un médico que no visita por falta de tiempo y de deseo, había hecho un trabajo sobre la pandemia de gripe en Madrid en 1889 – 90 y  que leyó en la Academia Médico-quirúrgica, en base a eso, hace varios comentarios, primero la gripe es llamada también, grippe, influenza y trancazo. Ante el aumento en las conservaciones del trancazo, decía que hacía tiempo que la gripe recorría España, en el otoño y verano de 1891 en Toledo, en 1891 Levante, o en Asturias durante 1890, y también que las epidemias solo merecían tenerse en cuenta cuando se acercaban a Madrid. Que las epidemias demuestran casi siempre, que son llevadas por las rutas de los viajeros. Pero no se queda en eso, menciona que en 1889, hubo confusión al referirse a la epidemia que podía ser de dengue y era de gripe, la confusión la explica en que desde el extranjero se recibieron en ese año, telegramas que hablaban de 2 epidemias distintas. Incluso menciona la vacunación de la gripe en el extranjero. Quizás sea bueno transcribir un parte del artículo, “… respecto del trancazo, no hay asustarse ahora más que antes, porque repito que la influenza no ha abandonado el territorio español desde el 1889… solo me he propuesto indicar que no conviene hacer creer a la gente que aquí nos vamos a morir todos, pero tampoco conviene estar dentro de Madrid desprevenidos, por si el trancazo nos hiciese otra visita tan enérgica como la del 12/1889 al 01/1890. Los hospitales ahora están llenos, y conviene tener preparados hospitales. Las gentes, en particular, deben precaverse evitando los enfriamientos, sobre todo los de avanzada edad, o los que padezcan enfermedades crónicas del corazón y del aparato respiratorio…”. Por ejemplo en la epidemia de que habla el artículo, se habilitó el Palacio de Bellas Artes del Hipódromo, con 250 camas que se llenaron de inmediato. Ah, los dos artículos se titulaban trancazo.

El Norte de Asturias (Gijón) 01/06/1868

El 28/09/1865, el Gobernador civil de Oviedo remitía a los ayuntamientos dos ejemplares de un recopilación de instrucciones en caso de epidemia, y cómo eran esas recomendaciones, bueno pues vamos a las publicadas el 09/08/1865, y a contar algunas de las cosas que se mencionaban en ellas, en ese momento estaban pensando en el cólera, el Gobernador Civil debía comunicar al Ministerio causas, fecha del primer caso, cómo, cuándo y por qué, y un parte diario desde el 1º caso, además de comunicar los actos de desprendimiento, abnegación y estudio que realicen particulares o empleados público, en el caso de estos últimos también los actos negativo.

Ficha de datos. Gaceta de Madrid 11/05/1866

En cada municipio debía formarse una Junta de Sanidad Municipal, que estaban las más pequeñas formadas por el Alcalde, Secretario Municipal, 2 vecinos, cura, 2 médicos y si no los hubiera,  2 cirujanos, estos no eran lo mismo que como hoy los conocemos en un quirófano. Entre las muchas precauciones higiénicas que se debían de cometer, voy a comentar alguna, el uso diario, con prudencia de medios de desinfección, de fumigaciones y ácidos minerales, principalmente del gas del cloro, y aun mejor de las aguas cloruradas en riego, aspersión y evaporación, en los establecimientos públicos y de beneficencia se pasaban por lejía los efectos de cama y de vestir que hubieran servido a los coléricos antes de servir a otra persona, para el auxilio de los coléricos se usaban casas de socorro o enfermerías del cólera, y no usar los hospitales comunes, aunque si aparecían casos entre los ingresados había que preparar unas salas alejadas de la del resto de enfermos para ellos, eran partidarios de no ocultar  la existencia de la enfermedad, y prevenirse desde que se sepa de casos aislados, que se evitara la emigración, había que reunir fondos para alimentar a los más desfavorecidos, emprender obras y trabajos públicos para dar ocupación a los que no lo tenían, y enviar a sus pueblos de procedencia con la seguridad necesarias a los mendigos y personas sin oficios; vigilar la publicidad y venta de remedios, que podría ser un foco de estafas, y lógicamente que hubiera médicos, farmacéuticos y cirujanos. En las precauciones que debían hacer las familias, aparte de temas de limpieza, alimentación, tenían que evitar las pasiones y ejercer la castidad, el final de las recopilaciones era unos remedios para las familias antes de la llegada de un médico a ver el paciente. Es curioso las ordenes que se daban para los fallecimientos, “para no causar impresión triste y perjudicial en los sanos, se prohibía el uso de campanas, en la administración de los Sacramentos a los enfermos y como para anunciar su fallecimiento”, no se llevaba al cementerio al fallecido hasta la certificación de un médico, pero procurando que permaneciera en el lugar de defunción lo mínimo posible, se les transportaría al cementerio, que debía ser extramuros de la localidad, al amanecer o anochecer, sin pompa, ni publicidad, y si era necesario se relajaban la circunstancias para lugar de enterramiento.
El Constitucional de Alicante 13/07/1878
Fenol (R. A. E.) Alcohol derivado del benceno, obtenido por destilación de los aceites de alquitrán, que se usa como antiséptico en medicina. (Aunque irrita la piel y es tóxica su ingestión)

Para terminar, vamos hablar un poco, del personal del sector sanitario tan sacrificado en estos días, el 16/01/1862, se publicaba un Reglamento para conceder pensiones a profesores de medicina, cirugía y farmacia que en tiempo de epidemia o contagio que ejerciendo su profesión en beneficio del público, con extremado celo, podrán recibir pensión entre 2.000 a 5.000 reales (500 a 1250 pesetas), los 5.000 corresponderían quienes hubieran ejercido por 10 años, tener la cruz de Beneficencia o de Epidemias, y haber prestado servicios pasando de un lugar sano a una zona con contagio.Los 4.000 anuales a quienes prestaran sus servicios gratuitamente en un pueblo epidemiado, o sin retribución por encargo de las autoridades. Los 3.000 a los inutilizados en las plazas correspondientes, que presten servicios a invitación o por mandato de las autoridades con retribución, y si son solteros serán 2.000 reales. Las viudas y los hijos también tenían derecho a dichas pensiones. Como ejemplo el ayuntamiento de Villaviciosa (Asturias), sacaba a concurso la plaza de cirujano el 24/12/1865, por 3.000 reales/ anuales (750 pesetas). El 16/01/1862, los precios en Madrid, de la venta al por menor, eran en céntimos de real por libra, Carne de vaca 18 a 20, ternera 42 a 51, aceite 22 a 24, arroz 10 a 14, lentejas 7 a 9, jabón 22 a 24 y patatas 2 a 2,5 (1 peseta 4 reales; 1 libra 0,453592 kg). Los sueldos de la ciudad de Oviedo en 1861 fueron por ejemplo, 37.960 reales para serenos o 12.060 rs para la guardia municipal, en Lugo salió a concurso una plaza de arquitecto con un salario de 12.000 rs, la diputación de Asturias creo una plaza de arquitecto con 10.000 reales más 3.000 para gastos de oficina y dibujo, parece que no fue apetecible, porque en la primera convocatoria no se presentó nadie, ese año el Ayuntamiento de Cangas de Tineo (Cangas del Narcea - Asturias) presentó la plaza de maestro de obra o aparejador para construir una cárcel, el sueldo anual era 6.000 reales. El director del cuerpo de sanidad militar de la Armada tenía un sueldo de 45.000 reales.
Sí, ya lo sé, no se menciona a la enfermería, porque no existía como la conocemos hoy, sino que es cosa del s. XX, pero para conocer la evolución de estos profesionales, tan importantes hoy, recomiendo la tesis del enfermero Leonés, Juan Carlos López Bugidos, “Evolución de la enfermería española”.
Ah, y de mascarillas nada, solo las que se hacían de la cara de los difuntos, o los tapabocas que eran en realidad las bufandas y pañuelos usados por los caballeros, incluso un boletín de medicina en 1850 recomendaba no usar los tapabocas de cuero, para protegerse del frío.

Bibliografía: Biblioteca de Asturias, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura de España.

I apologize for my English

"..Families in Madrid take those of Villadiego ( To take to one’s heels) and not a few believe that those of Villadiego are in Asturias ...", no, I am not going to talk about the covid-19, first because I am not a virologist, and then because the intake of information and numbers on the subject, is causing us a drunkenness of figures, which will lead us to the numeric coma, although the situation is dramatic, it's nice to smile from time to time.
Revista Asturias (La Habana) December 15, 1918
The usual form in Asturian way, of saying suit, is traxe.
Revista Asturias (La Habana) March 31, 1919

I clarify influenza is gripe in English, even in Spain it was also called that. It was not the first time, of that use of an alcoholic drink, in this blog there is a post, of smallpox and cider, but calm, I'm not going to talk about the badly called Spanish flu (1918-19) that they reminds us so much these days.
The beginning of this post, was published by El Carbayón on December 06, 1885, that same newspaper from Oviedo, asked for the Civil Governor, we must remember that in those times it was the province of Oviedo, not Asturias, that he requested the Ministry, that allowed him to open lazarettos (also they are known the leper hospitals) in the limits of Asturias, to isolate travelers from Madrid, in the capital, there already were  cases of cholera-morbo-Asia, and it asked for 7 days of quarantine, "As the era of the immigration of bathers and strangers approaches, this will be greater than in previous years and cholera will be able to penetrate Asturias without any obstacle", the contagion was through water, food, and poorly washed clothing, Because it is a disease that affects the intestine and produces great diarrhea, in those times the water was not chlorinated.
Cholera was a very recurrent disease in Spain and Europe throughout the XIX century, and the so-called sanitary cords were produced on both internal and external borders, for example, the Asturias Regiment, number 31, in October 1884, was assigned to the Pyrenees, due to the cholera epidemic in France, and even local, for example, in the parish of Santa Eulalia de Ardisana (Llanes - Asturias), in November 1911, a sanitary cord was finished, and the markets were once again allowed in the places that were made.
It was common to find announcements of controls in national ports on ships, due to epidemics in other countries, not only cholera but there were also epidemics of typhus, smallpox, measles, malaria or even dengue, which is transmitted through mosquitoes, it was common to read the attempt to drain lagoons near inhabited areas.
La Republica (Madrid) January 05, 1890
Against dengue
The maker of such exquisite PUNCH, not intended to heal with its PUM! DENGUE OR TRANCAZO, but if to give advice to the inhabitants of the populations attacked by this epidemic to use the PUM! to preserve, Well, as the remarkable chemist D. Ramon Codina Langlin, from Barcelona, says, “EL PUM” is a liqueur that meets DIGESTIVE TONIC conditions and is highly recommended by INFLUENCE, which as a mild stimulant exerts on the body.
Famous Doctors recommend as a protector the use of PUM !, not to drink the water without mixing it with such a healthy PUNCH, since DENGUE is placed among MICROBIAL diseases.
It turns out, then, that the PUM! It should be taken after meals, before leaving cafes, dances or theaters, and, at bedtime, with hot water, tea or coffee, as it makes to react.
All those attacked from DENGUE, will consult with the doctor to take the PUM! Well, despite being made with legitimate RUM OF JAMAICA and containing the bark of BITTER ORANGE, so favorable for the treatment of DENGUE, according to the opinion of the famous doctors Messrs. PASTEUR AND NOTHAGEE, and others, it is convenient to administer it with the doses that the doctor prescribes them
In January 1892, the journalist José Francos Rodríguez (Madrid April 05, 1862 - Madrid November 07, 1931), was a doctor, became Mayor of Madrid, signed two articles in the newspaper La Justicia, at that time it was thought that a flu epidemic would return, at that time it was thought that a flu epidemic would return, since he had suffered a major one between 1889 and 1890, in the article, he defines himself, as a doctor who does not visit due to lack of time and desire, he had done work on the flu pandemic in Madrid in 1889 - 90 and that he read in the Medical-Surgical Academy, based on that, he makes several comments, first, the flu is also called, grippe, influenza and trancazo. Given the increase in the conversations of the trancazo, said that the flu was travelling Spain for some time, in the autumn and summer of 1891 in Toledo, in 1891 Levante, or in Asturias during 1890, and also that epidemics only deserved to be taken into account when they were approaching Madrid. Epidemics almost always show that they are carried by the routes of travelers.
at that time it was thought that a flu epidemic would return, since he had suffered a major one between 1889 and 1890, in the article, he defines himself, as a doctor who does not visit due to lack of time and desire, he had done work on the flu pandemic in Madrid in 1889 - 90 and that he read in the Medical-Surgical Academy, based on that, he makes several comments, first,the flu is also called, grippe, influenza and trancazo. Given the increase in the conversations of the trancazo, said that the flu was travelling Spain for some time, in the autumn and summer of 1891 in Toledo, in 1891 Levante, or in Asturias during 1890, and also that epidemics only deserved to be taken into account when they were approaching Madrid. Epidemics almost always show that they are carried by the routes of travelers. But it does not stop at that, he mentions that in 1889, there was confusion when referring to the epidemic that could be dengue and it was of flu the confusion explains him in that they were received telegrams from abroad that year, that spoke of 2 different epidemics. He even mentions flu vaccination abroad. Maybe it's good to transcribe a part of the article, "... regarding the trancazo (flu), there is no need to panic now more than before, because I repeat that the flu has not left Spanish territory since 1889 ... only I have proposed me to indicate that it is not convenient to make people believe that here everyone are going to die us, but it is also not convenient to be in Madrid unprepared, in the case of that the trancazo made us another visit as energetic as the one from December, 1889 to January, 1890. The hospitals are now full, and it is convenient to have hospitals prepared. The people, in particular, they should be careful to avoid coolings, especially in old age, or persons that suffer chronic diseases of the heart and respiratory system ... ". For example, in the epidemic of which the article speaks, the Hippodrome Palace of Fine Arts was enabled, with 250 beds that were filled immediately. Ah, both articles were titled trancazo.
El Norte de Asturias (Gijón) June 01, 1868
Cholera and atonic diarrhea
Anti choleric tonic tincture from the pharmacist D. Jose Maria Meana
This precious medicine is the best and perhaps the only one known to confidently combat such a terrible disease. The beneficial results that we have achieved with it during the epidemic times that Spain has suffered, is the reason that forces us to make this medicine known to the public and that surely will thank us for making known a medicine that so many benefits can not bring only in the indicated disease but also in all those diarrheas that could not be cured by ordinary treatments

On September 28, 1865, the Civil Governor of Oviedo sent to the municipalities two copies of a compilation of instructions in case of an epidemic, and as those recommendations were, well, we are going to those published on August 09, 1865, and to say some of the things mentioned in them, at that time they were thinking about cholera, the Civil Governor had to communicate to the Ministry causes, date of the first case, how, when and why, and a daily part from the 1st case, in addition to communicate the acts of detachment, self-denial and study carried out by individuals or public employees, in the case of the latter also the negative acts.

Datasheet. Madrid Gazette May 11, 1866
In each municipality a Municipal Health Board should be formed, which were the smallest composed of the Mayor, Municipal Secretary, 2 neighbors, priest, 2 doctors and if there were not, 2 surgeons, these were not the same as we know them today in an operating room. Among the many hygienic precautions that had to be committed, I am going to comment on some, the daily use, with prudence of disinfection means, of fumigations and mineral acids, mainly gas of chlorine, and even better of chlorinated waters in irrigation, sprinkling and evaporation, in the public and charitable establishments they were washed with bleach the effects of bed and clothing that would have served the choleric before serving another person,In each municipality a Municipal Health Board should be formed, which were the smallest composed of the Mayor, Municipal Secretary, 2 neighbors, priest, 2 doctors and if there were not, 2 surgeons, these were not the same as we know them today in an operating room. Among the many hygienic precautions that had to be committed, I am going to comment on some, the daily use, with prudence of disinfection means, of fumigations and mineral acids, mainly gas of chlorine, and even better of chlorinated waters in irrigation, sprinkling and evaporation, in the public and charitable establishments they were washed with bleach the effects of bed and clothing that would have served the choleric before serving another person, for the help of cholerics, cholera relief houses or infirmaries were used, and not the common hospitals, although if  there were cases among the admitted, it was necessary to prepare rooms far from the rest of the patients for them, they were in favor of don't hide the existence of the disease, and to prevent ever since isolated cases are known, that emigration be avoided, funds should to be raised to feed the most disadvantaged, undertake public works and jobs to give occupation to those who did not have it, and send to their towns of origin with the necessary security, to beggars and people without profession; to police the advertising and sale of remedies, which could be a focus of scams, and logically there were doctors, pharmacists and surgeons. In the precautions that families had to take, apart from cleaning, feeding, had to avoid passions and exercising chastity, the end of the compilations were also remedies for families before the arrival of a doctor to see the patient. It is curious the orders that were given for the fatalities, "in order not to make a sad and harmful impression on the healthy, the use of bells was prohibited, in the administration of the Sacraments to the sick and as if to announce their death", it was not carried to the cemetery the deceased until a doctor's certification but trying to keep him in the place of death as little as possible, they would be transported to the cemetery, that should be outside the town, at dawn or dusk, without pomp or advertising, and if it was necessary relaxed the circumstances for burial place.
El Constitucional de Alicante July 13, 1878

Phenol (R. A. E.) Alcohol derived from benzene, obtained by distillation of tar oils, which is used as an antiseptic in medicine. (Although it irritates the skin and its ingestion is toxic)
To finish, we are going to talk a little about the health sector personnel so sacrificed these days, on January 16, 1862, a Regulation was published to grant pensions to professors of medicine, surgery and pharmacy that in times of epidemic or contagion that exercising their profession for the benefit of the public with endeaveroud, may receive a pension between 2,000 to 5,000 reales (500 to 1,250 pesetas), the 5,000 would correspond to those who had exercised for 10 years, have the Cross of Charity or Epidemics, and to have rendered services passing from one sane place to area with contagion.The 4,000 per year whom  provided their services for free in an epidemic town, or without remuneration at the request of the authorities. The 3,000 to those disabled in the epidemics places, who provided services at the invitation or by mandate of the authorities with remuneration, and if they are single, will be 2,000 reales. Widows and sons were also entitled to such pensions. As an example, the Town Council of Villaviciosa (Asturias), offered the surgeon position on December 24, 1865, for 3,000 reales / year (750 pesetas). On January 16, 1862, Madrid retail prices were in cents of reales per pound, meat of cow 18 to 20, of beef 42 to 51, oil 22 to 24, rice 10 to 14, lentils 7 to 9, soap 22 to 24 and potatoes 2 to 2.5 (1 peseta 4 reales; 1 pound 0.453592 kg). The salaries of the city of Oviedo in 1861 were, for example, 37,960 reales for serene or 12,060 reales for the municipal guard, in Lugo an architect position went out to competition with a salary of 12,000 reales, the Deputation of Asturias created an architect position with 10,000 reales plus 3,000 for office and drawing expenses, it seems that it was not appetizing, because on the first call no one showed up, that year the Hall Town of Cangas de Tineo (Cangas del Narcea - Asturias), presented the job of master builder or quantity surveyor to built a prison, the annual salary was 6.000 reales. The Director of the Navy's military health corps had a salary of 45,000 reales.
Yes, I already know, nursing is not mentioned, because it did not exist as we know it today, but is something of the  XX century, to know the evolution of these professionals, so importants today, I recommend the thesis of the Leonés nurse, Juan Carlos López Bugidos, "Evolución de la enfermeria Española" (Evolution of the Spanish nursing).
Oh, and nothing of masks, only those that were made of the faces of the deceased, or the tapabocas (masks) that were actually the scarves and tissues used by the gentlemen, even a medical bulletin in 1850 recommended not to use the tapabocas (masks) of leather, to protect yourself from the cold.

Bibliography: Library of Asturias, National Library of Spain, Library of the Ministry of Culture of Spain.

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