First Spanish – Below English
El 22/01/2019, por el Norte de España pasó un temporal, que sus mayores daños fueron en Asturias, donde se cortaron carreteras, ferrocarriles, pérdidas importantes, aunque lo peor fue los fallecidos, en número de 4. En la actualidad, cuando sucede un temporal los daños sobre infraestructuras y poblaciones son muy grandes, pero no nos podemos imaginar lo que tendría que ser hace años, y si nos vamos a hace 175 años.
En la Gaceta de Madrid (Hoy Boletín Oficial del Estado) del 23 de junio de 1844, se publican los partes remitidos desde Asturias, por parte del jefe político (Hoy Delegado del Gobierno y antes Gobernador Civil), Juan Nepomuceno Ruíz y Cermeño (Arenas de San Pedro – Avila 27/10/1795 - ¿?), el 05 de agosto de 1843, era nombrado jefe político de la provincia de Oviedo (Gaceta de Madrid 06/08/1843) el 12 de febrero de 1847 (Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Oviedo 15/02/1847). Como curiosidades durante su estancia en Asturias, el 5 de junio de 1844 firma la circular para que se borre la marca, desde donde no puede pasar los vaqueiros de alzada en las iglesias; establece con fecha 11/12/1844 (Boletin Oficial Oviedo 13/12/1844), un reglamento para los trabajadores de la minas de carbón piedra de la empresa Aguado de Sama de Langreo; o sus esfuerzos para que el Balneario de Fuensanta (Nava – Oviedo) tuviera los mayores adelantos, dichos baños pertenecían a la Beneficencia Provincial (Oficio de 16 de enero de 1845), verdad Leocadio.
Las lluvias tuvieron lugar los días 30 y 31 de Mayo, y el 1 de Junio, los partes venían reflejados por concejos, no aparecían todos los concejos de Asturias, solo unos pocos enviaron sus destrozos, bueno vamos a ver, lo que Cermeño comunicó al Ministerio de la Gobernación.
Belmonte de Miranda (antes se llamaba Miranda), está atravesado por el valle que forma el río Pigüeña, en él, desagüen muchos arroyos de las montañas, los cuales, hicieron estragos en los pueblos, produciendo grandes pérdidas en el ganado menor, desgajando prados, y arrastrando horreos, paneras, molinos, todos terminaba en los pueblos del valle y cortando los caminos, hasta ese momento no hubo fallecimiento.
Cabrales, fue arrasado el puente de Casaño, y fincas, ganados y caminos.
Candamo, El Nalón arruinó las vegas de Cuero, Murias, Grullos (curioso, Grullos es la capital, y está situada en un alto y no tiene vega), San Román y Fenodella (en realidad el nombre es Fenolleda), en lo referente a los caminos en el que va al puente de Peñaflor, en Murias un puente perdió los tablones del piso, igual que en el camino a San Román, en Candamín, además terminó de destruir el puente de Vega de Lluis y 200 varas (1 vara 0,835 m.) de camino desde él hacia Pravia, otros muchos desperfectos se pueden solucionar con sextaferias (En Asturias, Jornada que dedica un vecindario al arreglo de sus caminos.)
En junio de 1845 volvería el concejo a sufrir las lluvias, con los caminos cortados por los desprendimientos, y el puente de Murias sobre el Dele quedo totalmente derruido.
Cangas de Tineo (Hoy Cangas del Narcea), Los puentes de piedra antiquísimos de Santianes de Porley, Onoro y Antrago, han desaparecido, así como otros muchos de madera que había en el partido de Sierra, quedando esta parte de concejo incomunicada con su capital. Todos los caminos obstruidos por las muchas fanas (argayo, desprendimiento de tierra y piedras por la ladera de un monte) que se movieron. En la carretera de Castilla también se ha llevado el puente de piedra de Puenteciella; y algunas desgracias en los ganados, hórreos y caseríos, habiéndose perdido la cosecha que se presentaba abundante.
Cuenta Sebastián Miñano en su Diccionario Geográfico de 1827, que en la Puenteciella había un puente antiguo sobre el río Luinia (Luiña, ahora Naviego), además de otros en el caserío de El Puente y otro en Ardaliz, en la misma parroquia de Limés, Madoz en 1847 solo menciona que había 3 puentes. Antrago pertenecía al partido de la Sierra, Miñano decía que había 9 puentes, Madoz en la parroquia de Tebongo donde pertenece Antrado dice que hay un puente antiquísimo de piedra con un arco muy alto.
Corvera, El agua se llevó los puentes de los caminos locales, y no solo eso el de Barredo en el “Camino de Avilés a Oviedo” y el de madera para caballerías de Campo Travieso, en el “Camino de Avilés a Gijón”. Lo peor fue la muerte de un niño en Molleda.
Cudillero, en 1844 el jefe político no comunica ninguna desgracia, pero si aparece en la prensa, daños en la de junio de 1845, arruinándose el alcantarillón del camino general de la costa, en el embovedado del río que pasa por la villa, se abrieron boquetes de 7, 9, 20 y 30 pies (1 pie 0,279 m, Oviedo), se arruinó un arco de piedra de 20 pies de ancho y un puente sobre el mismo río, un molino, la ribera del puerto y una lancha de 5 toneladas.
En 1843 el jefe político intentó convencer al Ayuntamiento de Cudillero y Pravia para construir un muelle en el Puerto de Cudillero y una carretera por el valle de Candamo hasta el puente de Peñaflor.
Grado, ha desaparecido el nuevamente construido puente en el sitio de de la Mayadera (quizás sea el puente de La Mata) que estaba sobre el río Cubia, son incalculables los daños que ha causado el Cubia en el valle de Grado, variando de cauce en diversos puntos, arrollando árboles, prados y ganados, quedando en el momento incomunicado con esta capital. En la distancia de una legua (5.573 m.) poco más o menos ha llevado el rio inmediato a la villa cinco puentes de servicio público, el llamado de San Pelayo (hoy conocido como puente de Grado y es el de la carretera a Oviedo), de una solidez a toda prueba, y al que se le percibe en uno de sus ramales un quebranto de consideración.
En Trubia (Trubia pasa al Concejo de Oviedo en 1885) las aguas han destruido el hermoso puente de piedra que, atravesando el rio de su nombre, era la única entrada de la fábrica de armas, e igualmente ha destrozado la canal que conduce las aguas a las máquinas en una extensión de 600 varas (1 vara 0,835 m.). Ya el 4 de marzo de ese año, hubo problemas con el río Trubia, rompió los diques en la fábrica.
En junio de 1845 volverían las inundaciones, el alcalde de Grado comunica que se habían destruido nuevamente puentes pequeños, y otros más importantes como el que estaba enfrente de la iglesia de Trubia, el de Agüera en la parroquia de Pereda que habían sido reconstruidos desde la riada de 1844, desapareció el puente de la Podada (sobre río Martín), en la carretera de Galicia, y el río de Grado (supongo que se refiere al río Cubia) mudó el álveo (cauce natural de un río) no causando daño en el puente (puente de Grado o San Pelayo) pero si en la barracana. Miñano en su diccionario geográfico de 1826 decía que el Concejo tenía 10 puentes y 1 barca, recordar que Candamo en ese año pertenecía a Grado, Madoz en 1847 en su diccionario nos dice que el Cubía tenía un puente de madera en Agüera de dos ojos y otro en Llantrales, el Catastro de Ensenada (1752) menciona que los puentes son de madera, salvo el de Peñaflor, incluido el de San Pelayo, y que hay puentes en las parroquias de las Villas (2), Villamarin de Salcedo (2), Santianes (1), Tolinas (1), Restiello (1), Trubia (3) (Campo, San Andrés, Quintana).
Laviana, Perdió la cosecha de centeno, unas 300 fanegas (1 fanega 74,89 l.), más 50 cabezas, y la futura cosecha de maíz sería baja, porque parte de las fincas próximas al río Nalón se desgajaron.
Lena, se perdieron la mayoría de los sembrados, y también fundos (finca rústica), los caminos cortados por todas partes, y lo mismo los puentes y pontones. Hay pueblos que quedaron incomunicados, y el ponerlos expeditos será obra de meses y de muchos operarios.
Mieres, el arroyo llamado la Miñera demolió el alcantarillon o puente del Cristo de la Peña, en la carretera real de Castilla, y seguía haciendo daño en todo su ancho, siendo ya, cuando daban el aviso, como 10 varas (1 vara 0,835 m.) el claro del puente y carretera destruida. Curioso no menciona ningún daño provocado por el río Caudal.
Nava, los muchos daños causados por las aguas ha sido la total ruina del puente de piedra, la Manga, sito junto al pueblo del mismo nombre, y la mitad del alcantarillon sobre el cauce de los molinos de la Pandiella, inmediato al puente nuevo de Casancos (se tiene que referir a Carancos), parroquia de Ceceda, uno y otro sobre el camino Real de Balija.
Navia, arrasaron las aguas, puentes, molinos y heredades, a un vecino de las Carcabas de Parlero se le murieron en la cuadra 80 cabezas de ganado lanar, y a otros más o menos, las fincas y molinos inmediatos a los ríos en muchas partes han desaparecido, y puentes han quedado muy pocos.
Noreña, ha sufrido tal quiebra el puente llamado la Campanica, que le pone en posición de venir a completa ruina, el llamado Puente Nuevo se halla poco menos deteriorado, y no pueden pasar carros sin exposición; el de Arrabalde se obstruyó, y el pontón llamado los Pelambus, que conduce al barrio de la Reguera y a Arguella de Siero, desapareció.
Oviedo, en la misma carretera real de Castilla, en el pueblo llamado Olloniego ha habido varios desprendimientos, de los que solo uno cortó el camino, habiendo quedado aquella reducida a sola la cobija (cóncava), pues la opuesta fueron arrasados por el rio que viene por el puente de la Peña. Esta quiebra se extiende unas 60 varas (1 vara 0,835 m.), y si llegase a destruir los pocos restos de carretera que quedan pondría en perdición al pueblo. En las inmediaciones de esta capital, Parroquia de Santullano, y sitio llamado de la Granja, fue tal la subida de las aguas que en una casa que quedó aislada por las mismas, después de haberse llevado el rio la parte del corral con todos los ganados, quedaron dentro de ella cuatro personas, algunas criaturas, a cuyo sitio también fui luego que tuve noticia de lo ocurrido, y han sido bastantes los daños causados a las inmediaciones del puente de la Corredoría.
Las lluvias han causado en el concejo de Tudela (hoy pertenece al de Oviedo) estragos, solo por la parte de los Regueros y el rio Chico que atraviesa el lugar de lo llano, arruinadas en la carretera general como 200 varas (1 vara 0,835 m). Llama la atención acerca de siete casas que se encuentran al lado superior del pueblo y en un peligro tan inminente , que si no se remedia con prontitud, sucumbirán , y en seguida sufrirá igual suerte la misma carretera. En la hijuela (parroquia perqueña y perteneciente a otra) de Santianes desapareció un molino harinero, y otros dos en la parroquia de S. Julián, del mismo concejo. Son incalculables los perjuicios causados por el Nalón en las heredades que con él lindan, como asimismo la pérdida de los dos puentes de San Julián y Agüeria, quedando incomunicados para esta capital, a no ser por Olloniego.
Proaza, se han formado excavaciones de tres o cuatro estados de profundidad (RAE 1 estado 49 pies cuadrado 4,55 m2), habiendo desaparecido la tercera parte de la riqueza territorial del mismo, siendo la parroquia de Sograndio la que más ha padecido; pudiendo asegurar no baja la pérdida de 509 reales (4 reales 1 peseta). Los caminos quedaron intransitables, y muchos se inutilizaron para siempre. El río Caudal (esto es raro porque el río Caudal no pasa por Proaza, por esa parroquia pasa el río Teverga) llevó un puente de madera en la parroquia de Traspeña, y causó algunos daños en los dos de piedra de la capital del concejo (el río que pasa por la capital, Proaza, es el río Trubia), habiéndose inutilizado la mayor parte de los molinos y puentes situados en los riachuelos del concejo. En 1845 uno de los puentes reedificado de la riada anterior volvió a desaparecer.
Las Regueras, en la parroquia de Valduno el río Nalón ha hecho una excavación en el camino, a la inmediación de la venta de Laspra, que le ha dejado casi intransitable para carros, y que seguía deteriorándole de modo que dejaba incomunicada la capital con Grado.
Ribera de Arriba, en el lugar de Bueño, el Nalón desgajó una porción de terreno y piedra que arrasó una casa, muriendo muerto una hija y nieta del dueño llamado Juan Suarez. Han sido incalculables los daños causados en las heredades desapareciendo el puente de madera que daba paso a los concejos de Morcin, Riosa, Quirós y otros, sin contar algún otro puentecillo que servía para usos vecinales.
Salas, el rio Narcea se llevó la barca de Cornellana un cuarto de legua (1 legua 5.573 m.) tierra adentro, dejándola varada y arruinando el puentecito que daba paso para ella, y como el puente se halla interceptado a causa de estar ruinoso, los transeúntes se hallan detenidos a una y otra orilla del rio, y paralizado el juicio de exenciones en Salas, con respecto los vecinos y mozos que habitan al lado de allá del río. Pero llovía sobre mojado porque el 04/03/1844, cuentan desde Asturias al periódico Madrileño, El Corresponsal, que el rio Narcea y los que en el confluyen y bajan de los concejos de Belmonte y Somiedo no dejaron puente, llevando un arco al de Cornellana que hace muy pocos años que costó 25.000 duros (1 duro 20 reales, 1 pesetas 4 reales) a la provincia. Las maderas de nogal cortadas y compradas por la fábrica de armas para cajas de fusiles, que estaban en las inmediaciones, andarán por la mar a estas horas,
Sama de Langreo, las tierras y montes se han desgajado de su estado interceptando en muchas partes el tránsito público, habiéndose perdido en su mayor parte los puentes y caminos.
San Martín del Rey Aurelio, se ha llevado el agua parte de los puentes de las parroquias de Blimea, San Martin y San Andrés, hay que recordar que por esta zona pasa el río Nalón.
Siero, el río Nora arrasó los sembrados, praderías y cuanto existía sobre ambas orillas, destrozó los molinos, derribó un gran trozo de la carretera que conduce a esta capital junto al puente de Colloto, y otro en el sitio llamado el Canapé, inmediato al cortijo de la Pola, incomunicando el camino para las personas de a pie y también para las caballerías. El mismo rio ha estropeado los puentes de Granda, Lapaste, el de Noldano en Lieres y dos de la Pola.
Teverga, han causado las lluvias perjuicios incalculables, pues arrasó las fincas llevando cierres, tierras y árboles hasta el extremo de no haber dejado puente alguno de madera, ni de piedra, hallándose obstruidas las comunicaciones de los pueblos entre sí y de los concejos. Entre los terrenos inundados lo ha sido el cementerio de la parroquia de San Miguel de la Plaza, llevándose una porción de cuerpos depositados en él, de los que se han recogido dos y enterrados en la iglesia.
Bueno veamos que decía el libro de difuntos de la parroquia de San Pedro de La Plaza de Teverga, bueno pues en 1844, hay 9 asientos de difuntos, el más cercano a las fechas del 31/05/1844, es el 26 de mayo y fue el ecónomo quien realizó la sepultura y no especificó el lugar, pero los anteriores asiento si figura el cementerio, mientras que a partir del 31, es la iglesia, y no volverá usar un cementerio provisional hasta el 05/03/1846. En el libro de fábrica de dicha parroquia aparecen varios gastos por obras en la sacristía, y en las cuentas aprobadas el 12/01/1848 figuran los siguientes gastos, construcción del cementerio 974 reales, allanamiento del cementerio nuevo y limpieza del viejo, 21 reales.
Valdés, No ha aparece en los datos enviados Cermeño en 1844, pero si aparecen datos de la riada del año siguiente, el 21 y 22 de junio, en prensa, no se salvó ningún puente ni camino útil. Los ríos Esva, Llorin, Mallene, Ferrera y Negro, han desaparecido los sembrados de Agüera, Brieves, Trevias, Balsera, Ranón, Casiellas, Cueva y Ferrera de los Gabitos, y también los de montaña como Castro, Pereda y Villar, y sus habitantes tendrán que emigrar al extranjero, (demasiado rápido, parece). Incluso desgracia en Habinas, murieron una madre y 3 hijos, el padre estaba mal herido. En Luarca en algunas casas el agua llevo a 16 cuartas de agua. El primer expediente de daños, tenía la valoración 3.563.620 reales (1 pesetas 4 reales). Se iba a pedir la exención de contribuciones por 2 años y que el intendente de rentas no los apremie para el pago de las atrasadas, porque dicho Ayuntamiento no podía pagarlas.
Villaviciosa, se llevó el río varios molinos, pontones y puentes, entre estos se pueden designar con certeza el de Castangudi en el camino de Gijón, el de Espa en otro que también conduce al mismo punto, y el que llaman de Huetes en Villaviciosa le ha derribado un paredón de muchas varas de latitud, y dejado resentido lo que hay en pie, teniendo que hacerle desde los cimientos. La carretera que conduce a Oviedo ha padecido grandes destrozos: el puente de San Juan de Amandi en la referida carretera ha sufrido mucho en uno de sus estribos sacando algunas piedras de él.

Puente de San Pelayo o de Grado 2019 (Fue construido en 1769)
Y como estaban esos caminos asturianos, voy a intentar reflejar algunos caminos que existían en Asturias, bueno primero había un división en 3 clases, para aclarar, me baso en un artículo sobre los caminos, publicado por El Clamor Popular en 1848, firmado por F. G. de A.; caminos generales o de primer orden, caminos transversales o de segundo orden, caminos de tercer orden, los de primer orden son los que partiendo de Madrid atraviesan la Península y terminan en las costas o fronteras, en ese momento en España había 10, uno de ellos relacionado con Asturias, Madrid a Gijón, coincidía con la de Coruña hasta Labajos (Segovia), iba por el puerto de Guadarrama, después a Valladolid, Rioseco, León, puerto de Pajares, Oviedo; explicaba que entre Valladolid y León estaba en construcción en esas fechas, entre León y Oviedo, el camino es muy sólido y con muchas fuentes y abundante agua, en la subida al puerto había una casa conventual de canónigos regulares semejantes a los monjes del monte San Bernardo, y el pueblo de Pajares en la vertiente asturiana, son muy importantes como ayuda en invierno; entre Oviedo y Gijón 4 leguas (RAE legua 5.572,70 m.).
En 1840, el periódico El Correponsal publicó en varios días, caminos de tercer orden de España, bueno nos vamos a ver los asturianos, aquí dividía entre caminos de herradura y de carruaje, bueno según el diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua (RAE), camino de herradura, que es tan estrecho que solo pueden transitar por él caballerías, pero no carros.
De herradura:
León - Oviedo, había 3, por el puerto de Tarna (Tarna, Campo de Caso, Venta de Triero, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo) entre Tarna - Oviedo 14 leguas (78,018 km). Por el puerto de Somiedo (Puerto de Somiedo, Pola de Somiedo, Silviella, Grado, Oviedo) entre el puerto de Somiedo - Oviedo 11 leguas (61,30 km). Por el puerto de Leitariegos (Puerto de Leitariegos, Carballo, Cangas de Tineo, Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo) entre el puerto de Leitariegos - Oviedo 20 leguas (111,45 km)
Lugo - Oviedo, había 2, uno por la zona de Leitariegos (Brañas, Naviego, Cangas de Tineo (hoy Cangas del Narcea), Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo), entre Brañas - Oviedo 18 leguas (100,309 km.), resulta rara la diferencia con el de Lugo. El otro por el puerto de Fonsagrada, en invierno era intransitable (Acebo, Puente de Salime (hoy no existe), Borduredo, Pola de Allande, Cangas de Tineo (hoy Cangas del Narcea), Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo), entre Acebo - Oviedo 24 leguas (133,74 km).
Santander - Oviedo, había 3, uno por la costa (Colombres, Llanes, Ribadesella, Lastres, Villaviciosa, Siero, Oviedo), entre Colombres - Oviedo 22 leguas (122,58 km). Otro desde la costa por el interior (Colombres, Llanes, Rales, Onis, Cangas de Onis, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo), entre Colombres - Oviedo 21 leguas (117,03 km). Por el interior (Abandames, Peñamellera, Covadonga, Cangas de Onis, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo), entre Abandames - Oviedo 19 leguas (105,88 km)
De Carruajes:
León - Oviedo, (Puerto de Pajares, La Muela, Campomanes, Pola de Lena, Mieres, Oviedo), entre el puerto de Pajares - Oviedo 9 leguas (50,15 km) Oviedo - Luanco (Oviedo, Villadoveyo, Avilés, Luanco) 7 leguas (39,01 km) Oviedo - Gijón (Oviedo, Venta de Puga, Gijón) 4 leguas (22,29 km).
Parece que pronto se pusieron manos a la obra, en los arreglos, en la misma Gaceta del 23/06/1844, el jefe político, ya nos dice las medidas tomadas.
“Carretera de Castilla, se ha habilitado provisionalmente el paso en todos los puntos en que se había obstruido por las aguas o por las tierras. Se ha hecho el plano y proyecto para la reedificación del puente del Cristo de la Peña, y se está arrancando la piedra para empezar desde luego su construcción.
Se trabaja asimismo en el acopio de materiales para la reedificación del puentecillo de Ujo, se ha descombrado en parte el murallón arruinado en la Flecha. Se ha reconocido hasta donde la altura de las aguas lo permiten el murallón resentido en el puente de Ujo. Se ha formado y a el primer cajón de mampostería para reedificar el trozo de murallón en la Beguallina.
Se está conduciendo la piedra para las alcantarillas y muros del trozo de carretera que llevaron las aguas de Olloniego. Se han abierto los cimientos para la reedificación de tres trozos de muro en la cuesta de Manzaneda. Se han abierto los cimientos para levantar el murallón arruinado en los Blimales, y reunido a su inmediación parte de la piedra necesaria para esta obra. Se están recebando en cada legua los trozos que la concurrencia y fuerza de las aguas dejó más descargados. Se ha concluido en nueve puntos la limpia de las tierras caídas al camino de los montes inmediatos, y se continúa la misma operación en todos los demás de esta carretera.
Siero, se ha habilitado provisionalmente el paso por los trozos de la carretera de la Pola de Siero, que se habían cortado completamente. Se ha formado el proyecto de su reparación y presupuesto de su coste, y se ha señalado día para el remate de las obras.
Nava, se ha habilitado el paso por el puente arruinado de Nava, y se ha formado el plano para un nuevo puente de madera en sustitución del de piedra que llevó la corriente.
Oviedo, se ha limpiado la casa de baños de Las Caldas, de la gran cantidad de piedra y tierra que introdujo en ella por puertas y ventanas la inundación producida por el rio Gafo. Se han construido ya en esta carretera tres alcantarillas; se ha verificado el remate para la construcción de dos trozos de firme; se han limpiado todas las tierras desprendidas sobre ella; se han ensanchado algunos pasos estrechos, y se continúan los trabajos para dejar el tránsito enteramente expedito.
Carretera de Avilés, se han repuesto las tierras de explanación, arrasadas por las aguas, y limpiado los desgajes de tierra caidos sobre ella, dejándola despejada y de buen tránsito. Se trabaja en la construcción de un puente provisional de madera en el rio de Noreña que la atraviesa.
Las Regueras, en el camino de Grado se dio un paso provisional para la gente de a pie y caballerías entre la carretera de Balduno (Valduno) y la Venta de Aspera (es Laspra, en el pueblo de Paladín), y se ha formado el proyecto y presupuesto para habilitar un camino de carros ínterino, y formarse con la calma necesaria un proyecto general y ordenado de una carretera que empalme los trozos aprovechables de la existente hasta la villa.
Grado se ha reconocido el puente de S. Pelayo y formado el presupuesto de encauzamiento para evitar daños de gran cuantía, si llega a haber otro desborde de aguas del rio tan temibles como probable en el estado en que han quedado sus márgenes.”
Tenemos una fuente posterior a las inundaciones, el 25/10/1844, José Arias de Miranda (Grado 02/04/1796 – Grado 30/01/1890), describe en el Museo de la familias, un viaje desde Oviedo, Grado, Salas, y Miranda, y nos dice, que en Las Regueras antes de subir al Escamplero se atraviesa un mal puente de piedra, sobre el río Nora, de finales s. XVIII, suponemos que es Puente Gallegos; entra al concejo de Grado por el puente de Peñaflor, que lleva resistiendo 300 años al río, por lo que parece en esta riada dicho puente no tuvo problemas; pasa por el puente sobre el río Cubia (Puente de San Pelayo), para entrar a Grado, no menciona ningún deterioro y nos dice que fue construido en 1769 (250 años después, sigue estando, hoy pasa la N634), y no nos habla de más puentes sobre el Cubia, continua viaje hacía Cornellana, y nos cuenta que para pasar el río Narcea se utilizaba un puente de piedra construido en 1831, que fue destruido por las riadas de la primavera de ese año; después de hablarnos de Salas y su entorno, se dirige al Miranda (Belmonte de Miranda, ahora) en este concejo menciona el puente San Martín, pero sin ninguna especificación sobre su estado. Arias de Miranda, y el 25/11/1843, había publicado en el mismo semanario, un estudio geográfico, en esa ocasión de Oviedo a Proaza, nos lleva hacia el Nalón, por Las Caldas, Priorio, allí para pasar el río hacía el lugar de Puerto, era con una barca, mal servida y de tosca construcción según su opinión, prosigue camino hasta entrar en el Valle del río Trubia, en Tuñón (Santo Adriano), a la salida del pueblo río arriba, se atraviesa el río por un puente de madera, en la zona de la Cueva del Notario. Como se puede ver pocos datos nos da sobre la situación de caminos, menciona un antiguo camino que no se usa, a partir de Proaza capital hacia Caranga, solo para tránsito a pie. Hay que recordar que todavía no estaba abierto el paso por el desfiladero de Peñas Juntas entre Proaza y Caranga.
En aquellos tiempos desde la desembocadura del Nalón, hasta Peñaflor (Grado - Asturias) no había ningún puente, si había servicio de barcas, hoy hay 4 de carretera, 2 ferroviarios, y una pasarela peatonal aunque no se puede usar, pendiente de reparación. Para pasar de una orilla a otra se utilizaba una barca, que a veces tuvo trágicos resultados, como el 29/06/1794, cuando fallecieron ahogados, en el Nalón, 16 personas la mayoría de Los Cabos - Parroquia de Santianes – Pravia, cuando iban a la fiesta de San Pedro a Soto del Barco. Aunque hubo proyectos para hacer un puente en Pravia, en 1871 ya hay un puente entre Peñaullan y Pravia, era de madera, es más, de robles de Muniellos, cortados hacía 8 a 10 años y conservados en el fango del dique del Forno cerca de San Esteban, su ingeniero fue Javier Sánz y el coste de la obra fueron 42.486,484 escudos (1 escudo 10 reales 2,5 pesetas), es decir 424.486,84 reales, aunque ya figuraba un puente en el plan de carreteras de 1864, incluso se establece presupuesto tanto en 1869 y 1870 para un puente metálico no se inaugurará hasta el 16/05/1884, curiosamente en abril de 1884 se hundía el de madera, Bances ya nos dice de un proyecto de puente en 1803 a cargo del arquitecto Apadura. Incluso más arriba del de Peñaflor, todavía no existian ni el de Valduno, ni el de Trubia, que se estableció por Real Orden del 27/03/1852 (actual N634), y en el presupuesto de 1856 se asignaron 687.729 reales, solo había un servicio de barca en Udrión, y ya estaban derruidos los puentes de Godos y el Gubin, todavía actualmente se conservan arcos.
El día 17 de Agosto de 1868, se inauguraba un puente definitivo sobre el río Navia, el puente apareció en un debate del Congreso, entre Antonio Mendez Vigo y Salustiano González Regueral, que en ese momento era el ingeniero jefe en la zona, y las obras de la carretera de Bayona a Bayona, por la zona Occidental de Asturias, en el pleno del 04/01/1865, discutían el acta electoral de Luarca, Mendez de Vigo llegó a decir que el puente de Navia costaba 4.000.000 reales (1 peseta 4 reales), incluso pidió la construcción un puente definitivo en Canero, sustituir el provisional que se había llevado la última riada.
Ante las noticias que llegaban a Madrid, a través de las circulares del jefe político, pronto se produjo una ayuda de particulares, hacia Asturias, por ejemplo ya el 20 de junio, en la casa almacén de lienzos de Fernando Casariego, en la calle El Empecinado de Madrid, estaba abierta una suscripción, y Alejandro Mon, Pedro Pidal aportaban 1.000 reales (1 real 0,25 pesetas) cada uno, Juan Barzanallana 520 reales, Felipe Canga Argüelles 160 reales, El Magistral de Teverga 100 reales, Conde de Vigo 500 reales, Pablo Mata Vigil 400 reales, Fernando Fernández Casariego 1.000 reales, Fernando Rubín de Celis 320 reales, José García Jove 160 reales, José Fernández de la Vega 260 reales, Juan Díaz Argüelles 100 reales, Francisco Javier Tames Hevia 400 reales, Francisco Agustín Méndez Vigo 80 reales, la Sociedad del Iris, seguros contra granizo y piedra, los donativos de la sociedad se desglosan en dirección general 1.000 reales, junta de gobierno 500 reales, empleados dirección 118 reales, Francisco de Paula Ruíz inspector general 100 reales, Santos Sanz accionista 60 reales, José A Martínez inspector de Badajoz, R. C. D. accionista, Francisco Navarro accionista, Alejandro Viesa accionista, Bernardo Suárez Cobian accionista 40 reales cada uno, Manuel Bitrian accionista 24 reales, N.A. accionista, Pedro Sánchez Ocaña accionista, Manuel Foncea y Cuellar accionista, Lucas López accionista, Manuel Peg accionista 20 reales cada uno.
Pero no solo de Madrid, Pedro María Fernández Villaverde llegado de La Habana 800 reales, Fermín Canella Meana, secretario del Gobierno político de Ciudad Real, 100 reales, sino también en Asturias, por ejemplo, Lorenzo Valdés Hevia, de Gijón, 320 reales.
En total son 9.322 reales, la pregunta es ¿es mucho o poco?, como no he encontrado una valoración económica de los daños, lo mejor quizás sea poner cifras de ese año o años próximos.
Por ejemplo, vamos a ver lo que recibe Ruiz Cermeño en el cargo de jefe político de Oviedo, en su expediente hay diferencia entre su hoja de servicios presentada por él y la de la administración, en la de él figura que es nombrado en el cargo, el 05/08/1843 toma posesión el 28, hasta el 03/12/1846, aunque continua en el 12/02/1847, dice que son 4 años y 20 días, como se puede ver, ha hecho mal el cálculo, y que el sueldo fue 40.000 reales, en cambio en la hoja de servicio realizada por la administración figura que estuvo 3 años, 6 meses y 8 días en el puesto, y el sueldo 35.000 reales.
El Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Oviedo costaba 8 cuartos (1 cuarto 0,08 reales), 8 reales al mes, 20 reales al trimestre, 36 reales al semestre, para los compradores de la ciudad de Oviedo y repartido por las casas. Para los de fuera de la ciudad eran 10, 26 y 48 reales, (1 pesetas 4 reales), había 2 boletines por semana.
No creo que fuera debido a las inundaciones, ya que parece que no era un hecho puntual, dado que un periódico de Madrid, El Posdata, hablaba de un negocio especulativo, bueno pues publicaba que en la segunda semana de noviembre de 1844, de Gijón partió un barco hacia Montevideo con 70 pasajeros, la mayoría de Oviedo y su concejo, y la mayoría eran niños de entre 10 y 12 años, les pagaban el pasaje y la manutención, aunque también en el artículo se dice que las condiciones laborales que iban a tener en el lugar de destino eran muy lamentables cercanas a la esclavitud. También hay que decir que Uruguay estaba en ese momento en Guerra.
En 1845, la asignación para la manutención de las cárceles en los concejos de Asturias, fue de 78.000 reales.
La situación en ese 1845 parece que no estaba muy bien, el 25/06/1845 publicaba El Español, una carta desde León, que desde Asturias, se veía bajar familias enteras que pedían pan para continuar camino, y en los mercados hay muchos asturianos y sobre todo mujeres, que habían caminado 14 y 15 leguas (78,02 km y 83,59 km), para llevar pan para sus hijos, aunque el precio se mantenía el Trigo 27 – 30 reales/fanega (RAE fanega 55,5 l), Centeno 18 – 21 reales/fanega (RAE fanega 55,5 l), y todavía no se reflejaban las inundaciones del día 21-22 de ese junio.
El 19/05/1846 el Boletín Oficial de la provincia de Oviedo, publicaba los precios de granos y especies, que se habían fijado en los distintos Ayuntamientos durante los últimos 10 años.
1 Fanega 74,14 l., Hemina 18,56l., 1 pesetas 4 reales, Rs (Reales) Ms (Maravedís), 1 maravedí 0,03 reales.
Sorprende una cosa, el 31/12/1844, el Boletín Oficial de la provincia de Oviedo, publicaba un oficio del Ministerio de la Gobernación, en el que se pedía donativos para la isla de Cuba, debido a un huracán sufrido el 4 y 5 de Octubre de ese año, bueno pues en ese mismo Boletín aparecen donantes desde Asturias, Juan Ruiz y Cermeño 100 reales, Juan Herrer y Rero, secretario 40 reales y los oficiales Genaro Alas, Joaquín Fernández, Lorenzo Bango y Juan Camino con 20 reales cada uno, pero no estaba Asturias tan mal.
El 22/02/1844, el Ayuntamiento de Piloña, sacaba a subasta el remate del puente de Antrialgo sobre el río Piloña.
El 01/11/1846, con motivo de las elecciones al Congreso, se publicaba en un diario de Madrid, una carta desde Asturias, que no dejaba en buen lugar a Cermeño, decía que solo se dedicaba a los amaños electorales, y a la realización del balneario de Buyeres o Fuensanta (Nava), que suponía unos 30.000 o 40.000 reales, mientras seguía sin arreglar los puentes de Cornellana (el autor refleja que el coste del puente a la provincia había sido de 1 millón de reales hay una diferencia, nada menos de medio millón con otra noticia anterior), ni de Soto Luiña (Cudillero), ni de Luarca, debido a anteriores riadas 1844, 1845.
Bibliografía: Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias (BOPA), Pesos y medidas populares en Asturias – J L Pérez de Castro, Revista de Obras Públicas, Memoria sobre las Obras Públicas de 1856, 1882, Archivo Diocesano de Oviedo.
I apologize for my English
On 01/22/2019, in the North of Spain a storm passed, its biggest damages were in Asturias, where they were cut roads, railways, important losses, although the worst was the deaths, in number of 4. Currently, When a storm happens, the damage to infrastructure and populations is very great, but we cannot imagine what it would have been years ago, and if we go to 175 years ago.
In the Gaceta de Madrid (Today Official State Gazette) of June 23, 1844, they are published the parts remitted from Asturias, by the political chief (Today Government Delegate and former Civil Governor), Juan Nepomuceno Ruíz and Cermeño (Arenas de San Pedro - Avila October 27, 1795 -?), on August 5, 1843, was appointed political chief of the province of Oviedo (Gaceta de Madrid August 6, 1843) on February 12, 1847 (Official Gazette of the Province of Oviedo February 15, 1847). As curiosities during his stay in Asturias, on June 5, 1844 he signs the circular letter so that the mark can be erased, from where the vaqueiros de alzada in the churches can not pass; establishes with date December 11, 1844 (Official Bulletin Oviedo December 13, 1844), a regulation for the workers of the stone coal mines of the Aguado company from Sama de Langreo; or his efforts so that the Spa of Fuensanta (Nava - Oviedo) had the greatest advances, these baths belonged to the Provincial Charity (Oficio of January 16, 1845), truth Leocadio.
The rains took place on May 30 and 31, and on June 1, the parties were reflected by Councils, not all the Councils of Asturias appeared, only a few sent their destruction, well let's see, what Cermeño communicated to the Ministry of the Interior.
Belmonte de Miranda, (formerly called Miranda), is crossed by the valley that forms the Pigüeña River, in it, they drain out of many streams of the mountains, which, wreaked havoc on the villages, producing great losses in the smaller cattle, breaking down meadows, and dragging horreos, paneras, mills, all ended in the villages of the valley and cutting the roads, until then there was no death.
Cabrales, the Casaño bridge was razed, and farms, livestock and roads.
Candamo, El Nalón ruined the vegas of Cuero, Murias, Grullos (curious, Grullos is the capital, and is located on a hill and it doesn't have floodplain), San Román and Fenodella (in fact the name is Fenolleda), in relation to the roads, in which it goes to the bridge of Peñaflor, in Murias a bridge lost the planks of the floor, just as in the way to San Román, in Candamín, in addition it finished destroying the bridge of Vega de Lluis and 200 varas (1 vara 0,835 m.) the way from it to Pravia, many other damages can be solved with sextaferias (In Asturias, A day dedicated by the neighbours to repair of its roads).
In June of 1845, the council would return to suffer the rains, with the roads cut by the landslides, and the bridge of Murias on the Dele was totally demolished.
Cangas de Tineo (Today Cangas del Narcea), The ancient stone bridges of Santianes de Porley, Onoro and Antrago, have disappeared, as well as many other of wood that there were in the Sierra party, leaving this part of council isolated from their capital . All the roads obstructed by the many landslides (argayo, detachment of earth and stones by the slope of a mountain) that moved. On the road to Castilla, the Puenteciella stone bridge has also been taken; and some misfortunes in the cattle, hórreos and hamlets, having lost the harvest that was abundant.
Sebastián Miñano tells in his Geographic Dictionary of 1827, that in Puenteciella there was an old bridge over the Luinia River (Luiña, now Naviego), in addition to others in the El Puente hamlet and another one in Ardaliz, in the same parish of Limés, Madoz in 1847 only mentions that there were 3 bridges. Antrago belonged to the party of the Sierra, Miñano said that there were 9 bridges, Madoz in the parish of Tebongo where Antrado belongs, he says that there is an ancient stone bridge with a very high arch.
Corvera, The water took the bridges of the local roads, and not only that of Barredo in the "Camino de Avilés to Oviedo" and the wooden ones for cavalries of Campo Travieso, in the "Road of Avilés to Gijón". The worst was the death of a child in Molleda.
Cudillero, in 1844 the political chief does not communicate any misfortune, but if it appears in the press, damage in the June of 1845, ruining the sewer of the general way of the coast, in the embovedado of the river that passes through the town, opened gaps of 7, 9, 20 and 30 feet (1 foot 0.279 m, Oviedo), a 20-foot-wide stone arch and a bridge over the same river, a mill, the shore of the port and a 5-tonne boat were ruined .
In 1843 the political chief tried to convince the City Council of Cudillero and Pravia to build a pier in the Port of Cudillero and a road through the Candamo valley to the Peñaflor Bridge.
Grado, the newly bridge built on the site of de la Mayadera (perhaps the bridge of La Mata) that was on the Cubia River has disappeared, the damage caused by the Cubia in the Grado valley, varying from channel in various points, ran over trees, meadows and cattle, being in the moment incommunicado with this capital. In the distance of one legua (5,573 m.), More or less, the immediate river has taken five public service bridges, the so-called of San Pelayo (today known as the Grado bridge and the road to Oviedo), of a solidity to all test, and to which it is perceived in one of its branches a disruption of consideration.
In Trubia (Trubia passes to the Council of Oviedo in 1885) the waters have destroyed the beautiful stone bridge that, crossing the river of its name, was the only entrance of the arms factory, and has also destroyed the channel that carries the waters to the machines in an extension of 600 measuring rod (1 rod 0.835 m.). Already on March 4 of that year, there were problems with the Trubia River, broke the levees in the factory.
In June of 1845 the floods would return, the Mayor of Grado reported that small bridges had been destroyed again, and other more important ones such as the one in front of the church of Trubia, that of Agüera in the parish of Pereda that had been rebuilt after the flood of 1844, the bridge of La Podada (on the Martín River), on the road to Galicia, and the Grado River (I suppose that refers to the Cubia River) changed the riverbed causing no damage the bridge (bridge of Grado or San Pelayo) but if in the barracana. Miñano in its geographic dictionary of 1826 said that the Council had 10 bridges and 1 boat, there is to remember that Candamo in that year belonged to Grado, Madoz in 1847 in its dictionary tells us that the Cubía had a wooden bridge in Agüera of two eyes and another in Llantrales. The Cadastro de Ensenada (1752) mentions that the bridges are made of wood, except for Peñaflor, including that of San Pelayo, and that there are bridges in the parishes of Las Villas (2), Villamarin de Salcedo (2), Santianes (1), Tolinas (1), Restiello (1), Trubia (3) (Field, San Andrés, Quintana).
Laviana, it lost the rye harvest, 300 fanegas (1 fanega 74.89 liters), more 50 heads of cattle, and the future corn harvest will be low, because part of the lands near the Nalon River broke off.
Lena, most of the crops were lost, and also fundos (rustic property), the roads cut everywhere, and the same, bridges and pontoons. There are towns that had been cut off the communications, and repair them; it will be the work of months and of many workers.
Mieres, the stream called the Miñera demolished the big sewer or bridge of Cristo de la Peña, on the real road of Castilla, and continued to damage its entire width, being already, when they gave the warning, about 10 rods (1 rod 0.835 m .) the clear of the bridge and road destroyed. Curious does not mention any damage caused by the Caudal River.
Nava, the many damages caused by the waters has been the total ruin of the stone bridge, La Manga, next to the village of the same name, and half of the culvert on the bed of the Pandiella mills, immediately to the new bridge of Casancos (he is had to refer to Carancos), Ceceda parish, one and the other on the Camino Real de Balija.
Navia, the waters destroyed, bridges, mills and estates, 80 heads of wool cattle have died to a neighbor of Carcabaas de Parlero, in the stable, and others more or less, the farms and mills immediately to the rivers in many parts have disappeared , and bridges have been very few.
Noreña, has suffered such damages, the bridge called the Campanica, which puts it in a position of complete ruin, the so-called Puente Nuevo is a little less deteriorated, and carts cannot pass without exposure; that of Arrabalde was obstructed, and the pontoon called Los Pelambus, which leads to the neighborhood of La Reguera and Arguella de Siero, disappeared.
Oviedo, on the same real road of Castile, in the town called Olloniego there have been several landslides, of which only one cut the road, having been reduced to only una cobija (concave), because the opposite was devastated by the river that comes by the bridge of the Rock. This bankruptcy extends about 60 rods (1 rod 0.835 m.), and if it were to destroy the few remains of the road that remain, it would be the ruin the village. In the vicinity of this capital, Parish of Santullano, and site called de la Granja, was such the rise of the water in a house that was isolated, after having taken the river part of the corral with all the cattle, there were four people inside, some children, whose site I also went to after I heard about what happened, and there have been a lot of damages caused to the vicinity of the bridge of the Corredoría.
The rains have caused havoc in the council of Tudela (today belongs at Council of Oviedo), only for the part of the Regueros and the Chico River that crosses the place of the plain, ruined on the main road as 200 rods (1 rod 0.835 m) . It draws attention to seven houses that are on the upper side of the village and in such imminent danger, that if it is not remedied promptly, they will succumb, and then the same road will suffer the same fate. In the hijuela (small parish and belongs other parish) of Santianes a flour mill disappeared, and another two in the parish of S. Julián, of the same council. Incalculable damages caused by the Nalón in the estates that adjoin it, as well as the loss of the two bridges of San Julián and Agüeria, being incommunicado for this capital, but no for Olloniego.
Proaza, excavations of three or four states of depth have been formed (RAE Spanish Royal Academy, 1 state 49 square feet 4.55 m2), having disappeared the third part of the territorial wealth of the same, being the parish of Sograndio the one that has suffered more; could to ensure that the loss doesn't lower of 509 reais (4 reales 1 peseta). The roads were impassable, and many became useless forever. The Caudal River (this is rare because the Caudal River does not pass through Proaza, through that parish passes the Teverga River) it was carried wooden bridge in the parish of Traspeña, and caused some damages in two stone bridges of the capital of the council (the river that passes through the capital, Proaza, is Trubia River), having been disabled most of the mills and bridges located in the rivulets of the council. In 1845, one of the rebuilt bridges of the previous flood again disappeared.
Las Regueras, in the parish of Valduno, the Nalón River has excavated on the road, in the vicinity of the inn of Laspra, which has left it almost impassable for carts, and which continues to deteriorate so that it left the capital incommunicado with Grado.
Ribera de Arriba, in the place of Bueño, the Nalón broke off a piece of land and stone that destroyed a house, killing a daughter and granddaughter of the owner named Juan Suarez. The damages caused in the estates have been incalculable, disappearing the wooden bridge that gives way to the councils of Morcin, Riosa, Quirós and others, without counting some other small bridge that were used by neighbors.
Salas, Cornellana's boat was washed away by Narcea River a quarter of a league (1 mile 5,573 m.) Inland, leaving her stranded and ruining the small bridge that gave way to her, and as the bridge is intercepted because of being dilapidated, the passers-by are stopped on both sides of the river, and has paralyzed the trial of exemptions in Salas, with respect to the neighbors and soldiers who live on the other side of the river. But "it rained about wet" because on March 4, 1844, from Asturias told to Madrid newspaper, El Corresponsal, river Narcea and those that converge and descend from the councils of Belmonte and Somiedo did not leave a bridge, washed away an arc of Cornellana bridge that a few years ago cost 25,000 duros (1 hard 20 reales, 1 pesetas 4 reales) to the province. The walnut woods cut and bought by the arms factory for rifle boxes, which were in the vicinity, will be in the sea at this time.
Sama de Langreo, the lands and mountains have broken off from their state by intercepting public transit in many places, the bridges and roads having been mostly lost.
San Martín del Rey Aurelio, has taken the water part of the bridges of the parishes of Blimea, San Martin and San Andrés, there is to remember Nalon River passes through this area.
Siero, Nora River devastated the fields, meadows and whatever existed on both banks, destroyed the mills, demolished a large piece of the road that leads to this capital near the Colloto bridge, and another at the site called the Canapé, near Cortijo de la Pola, isolating the path for people on foot and also for horses. The same river has damaged the bridges of Granda, Lapaste, Noldano in Lieres and two of La Pola.
Teverga, the rains have caused incalculable damages, because it devastated the estates taking enclosures, earth and trees, until not having left any bridge of wood, nor of stone, being obstructed the communications of the towns to each other and the councils. Among the flooded land has been the cemetery of the parish of San Miguel de la Plaza, washed away a part of bodies deposited in it, of which two have been collected and buried in the church.
Well let's see what the book of the parish of San Pedro de La Plaza de Teverga said, well then in 1844, there are 9 seats of deceased, the closest to the dates of May 31, 1844, is May 26 and It was the economo who performed the burial and did not specify the place, but the previous seat if the cemetery appears, while from 31, it is the church, and will not use a temporary cemetery until March 5, 1846. In the book of the parish factory there are several expenses for works in the sacristy, and the accounts approved on Jan 12, 1848 include the following expenses: construction of the cemetery 974 reales, evened of the new cemetery and cleaning of the old one, 21 reales.
Valdés, it does not appear in the data sent by Cermeño in 1844, but if data appear from the flood the following year, on June 21 and 22, in press, no bridge or useful path was saved. Esva, Llorin, Mallene, Ferrera and Negro Rivers have done to disappear fields in Agüera, Brieves, Trevias, Balsera, Ranón, Casiellas, Cueva and Ferrera de los Gabitos, and also the mountain ones such as Castro, Pereda and Villar, and their inhabitants will have to emigrate abroad, (too fast, it seems). Even unfortunately in Habinas, a mother and 3 children died, the father was badly hurt. In Luarca, in some houses, water carried 16 quarters of water. The first damage expedient, had the valuation 3,563,620 reales (1 pesetas 4 reales). It was going to ask for the exemption of contributions for 2 years, and that the intendant of income does not ask for the payment of the arrears, because the City Council could not pay them.
Villaviciosa, took the river several windmills, pontoons and bridges, among these can be designated with certainty that of Castangudi on the road to Gijón, that of Espa in another that also leads to the same point, and the one called de Huetes in Villaviciosa. It has knocked down a wall of many rods of length, and resentful what is on foot, having to do it from the foundation. The road that leads to Oviedo has suffered great damage: the bridge of San Juan de Amandi on the aforementioned road has suffered a lot in one of its stirrups removing some stones from it.
In 1840, the newspaper El Correponsal published in several days, third order roads of Spain, well we are going to see the Asturians, here divided between horseshoe and carriage ways, good according to the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE) , a bridle path, which is so narrow that only cavalries can pass through it, but no carts.
Of horseshoe:
León - Oviedo, there were 3, by the port of Tarna (Tarna, Campo de Caso, Venta de Triero, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo) between Tarna - Oviedo 14 leagues (78.018 km). By the port of Somiedo (Port of Somiedo, Pola de Somiedo, Silviella, Grado, Oviedo) between the port of Somiedo - Oviedo 11 leagues (61.30 km). Through the port of Leitariegos (Port of Leitariegos, Carballo, Cangas de Tineo, Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo) between the port of Leitariegos - Oviedo 20 leagues (111.45 km)
Lugo - Oviedo, there were 2, one in the area of Leitariegos (Brañas, Naviego, Cangas de Tineo (today Cangas del Narcea), Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo), between Brañas - Oviedo 18 leagues (100.309 km.), It results the difference with Lugo is rare. The other by the port of Fonsagrada, in winter was impassable (Acebo, Puente de Salime (today does not exist), Borduredo, Pola de Allande, Cangas de Tineo (today Cangas del Narcea), Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo), between Acebo - Oviedo 24 leagues (133.74 km).
Santander - Oviedo, there were 3, one along the coast (Colombres, Llanes, Ribadesella, Lastres, Villaviciosa, Siero, Oviedo), between Colombres - Oviedo 22 leagues (122.58 km). Another from the coast by the interior (Colombres, Llanes, Rales, Onis, Cangas de Onis, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo), between Colombres - Oviedo 21 leagues (117.03 km). On the inside (Abandames, Peñamellera, Covadonga, Cangas de Onis, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo), between Abandames - Oviedo 19 leagues (105.88 km).
Of Carriages:
León - Oviedo, (Port of Pajares, La Muela, Campomanes, Pola de Lena, Mieres, Oviedo), between the port of Pajares - Oviedo 9 leagues (50.15 km) Oviedo - Luanco (Oviedo, Villadoveyo, Avilés, Luanco) 7 leagues (39.01 km) Oviedo - Gijón (Oviedo, Venta de Puga, Gijón) 4 leagues (22.29 km).
It seems that soon they were put to work, in the arrangements, in the same Gaceta de Madrid ( Jun 23,1844), the political chief tells us the measures taken.
"Road of Castilla, has provisionally enabled the passage at all points where it had been blocked by water or land. The plan and project for the reconstruction of the bridge of the Cristo de la Peña has been made, and the stone is being uprooted to begin with its construction.
It is also been working on the collection of materials for the reconstruction of the bridge of Ujo, it has cleared part of the ruined wall in the Flecha. It has been recognized until where the height of the water allows by the resentful wall on the Ujo bridge. The first masonry drawer has been formed to rebuild the piece of wall in the Beguallina.The stone is being carried to the sewers and walls of the piece of road that the waters carried of Olloniego. The foundations for the rebuilding of three pieces of wall in the slope of Manzaneda. The foundations have been opened to raise the ruined wall in the Blimales, and gathered in its vicinity, part of the stone necessary for this work. It is been spreading gravel in every league,the pieces that the concurrence and force of the waters left more unloaded. It has been concluded in nine points the clearing of the fallen lands to the road of the immediate mounts, and the same operation is continued in all the others of this road.
Siero, it has been enabled provisionally the step by the pieces of the road of Pola de Siero, that have been cut completely. The project of its repair and the budget of its cost have been formed, and the day for the completion of the works has been indicated.
Nava, it has been enabled the passage through the ruined bridge of Nava, and the plane of a new wooden bridge has been formed, in the replacement of the stone bridge, that the current was carried. Oviedo, the bathhouse of Las Caldas has been cleaned of the large amount of stone and earth, that the flood produced by the Gafo River introduced into it through doors and windows. Three culverts have already been built on this road; the auction has been verified for the construction of two pieces of road; all the lands detached on it have been cleaned; some narrow steps have been widened, and work is continuing to make the transit entirely expeditious.
Road of Avilés, it have been replaced earthworks, razed by the waters, and cleared the earth that it has been falled it, leaving it clear and of good transit. Work is being done on the construction of a temporary wooden bridge in the Noreña River that runs through it.
Las Regueras, on the way to Grado, a temporary step was taken for the people on foot and horses between the Balduno road (Valduno) and the inn of Aspera (it is Laspra, in the village of Paladín), and the project and budget to enable an interim carts road, and to be done with the necessary calm a general and orderly project of a road that connects the usable pieces of the existing road to the village.
Grado, was reviewed the bridge of S. Pelayo and formed the budget of channeling to avoid large damage, if there is another overflow of river water, as fearsomes as probables in the state in which its margins are."
We have a source after the flood, on October 25, 1844, José Arias de Miranda (Grado April 2, 1795 - Grado January 30, 1890), describes in the Museum of Families, a trip from Oviedo, Grado, Salas, and Miranda, and tells us , that in Las Regueras, before going up the Escamplero, a bad stone bridge is crossed over the Nora River, of the end of XVIII century, we assume that it is Puente Gallegos; enters the council of Grade by the bridge of Peñaflor, that has been resisting 300 years to the river, reason why it seems in this flood that said bridge did not have problems; it goes through the bridge over the Cubia River (San Pelayo Bridge), to enter Grado, it does not mention any deterioration and it tells us that it was built in 1769 (250 years after, it still continue, the N634 crosses it today), and it does not talk to us about more bridges over the Cubia. he continues trip to Cornellana, and tells us that to pass the river Narcea a stone bridge was used built in 1831, which was destroyed by the floods of the spring of that year; After talking about Salas and his surroundings, he goes to the Miranda (Belmonte de Miranda, now) in this council mentions the San Martín bridge, but without any specification about its status.
Arias de Miranda, and on November 25, 1843, had published in the same weekly, a geographical study, on that occasion from Oviedo to Proaza, takes us to the Nalón, by Las Caldas, Priorio, there, to cross the river to the place of Port, was with a boat, badly served and of rough construction according to his opinion, it continues road until entering the Valley of the Trubia River, in Tuñón (Santo Adriano), to the exit of the town upstream, it crosses the river for a wooden bridge, in the area of the Cave of the Notary. As you can see little information about the situation of roads, mentions an old road that is not used, from Proaza capital to Caranga, only for transit on foot.
In those times from the mouth of the Nalón, to Peñaflor (Grado - Asturias) there was no bridge, if there was rowboat service, today there are 4 of road, 2 of railway, and a pedestrian walkway although it can not be used, pending repair. To move from one shore to another a boat was used, which sometimes had tragic results, such as 29 June, 1794, when they drowned, in the Nalón River, 16 people, most of Los Cabos - Parish of Santianes - Pravia, when They went to the party of San Pedro to Soto del Barco. Although there were projects to make a bridge in Pravia, in 1871 there is already a bridge between Peñaullan and Pravia, it was made of wood, moreover, oaks from Muniellos, cut 8 to 10 years ago and conserved in the mud of the dike of the Forno, near San Esteban, his engineer was Javier Sánz and the cost of the work were 42,486.484 escudos (1 shield 10 reales 2.5 pesetas), that is, 424,486.84 reales, although there was a bridge in the road plan of 1864, including budget is established both in 1869 and 1870 for a metal bridge will not be inaugurated until May 16, 1884, curiously in April 1884 the wooden one sank, Bances already tells us about a bridge project in 1803 by the architect Apadura. Even up-river of Peñaflor bridge, there was still neither Valduno bridge, nor Trubia bridge, which was established by Royal Order of March 27, 1852 (current N634), and in the 1856 budget were allocated 687,729 reals, there was only a rowboat service, in Udrión, and the bridges of Godos and El Gubin were already demolished, at present arches are preserved.
On August 17, 1868, a definitive bridge over the river Navia was inaugurated, the bridge appeared in a debate of the Congress, between Antonio Mendez Vigo and Salustiano González Regueral, who at that time was the chief engineer in the area, and the works of the road from Bayonne to Bayonne, in the Western zone of Asturias, in the plenary session of January 04, 1865, discussed the electoral minute from Luarca, Mendez de Vigo was so far as to say that the bridge of Navia cost 4,000,000 reales ( 1 peseta 4 reales), he even asked for the construction of a definitive bridge in Canero, to replace the provisional one that the last flood had carried.
At the news that arrived to Madrid, through the circulars of the political chief, soon, there was a help of private individuals, towards Asturias, for example, already on June 20, in Fernando Casariego's canvas warehouse, in El Empecinado street from Madrid, a subscription was openned, and Alejandro Mon, Pedro Pidal contributed 1,000 reales (1 real 0.25 pesetas) each one, Juan Barzanallana 520 reales, Felipe Canga Argüelles 160 reales, The Magistral of Teverga 100 reales, Count of Vigo 500 reales, Pablo Mata Vigil 400 reales, Fernando Fernández Casariego 1,000 reales, Fernando Rubín de Celis 320 reales, José García Jove 160 reales, José Fernández de la Vega 260 reales, Juan Díaz Argüelles 100 reales, Francisco Javier Tames Hevia 400 reales, Francisco Agustín Méndez Vigo 80 reales, Society of Iris, insurance against hail and stone, the donations of the company are broken down into, General Direction 1,000 reales, Government Board 500 reales, Employees of Direction 118 reales, Francisco de Paula Ruíz inspector general 100 reales, Santos Sanz 60 reales shareholder, José A Martínez inspector of Badajoz, R.C.D. shareholder, Francisco Navarro shareholder, Alejandro Viesa shareholder, Bernardo Suárez Cobian shareholder 40 reales each one, Manuel Bitrian shareholder 24 reales , N.A. shareholder, Pedro Sánchez Ocaña shareholder, Manuel Foncea and Cuellar shareholder, Lucas López shareholder, Manuel Peg shareholder 20 reales each one.
But not only from Madrid, Pedro María Fernández Villaverde had arrived from Havana, 800 reales, Fermín Canella Meana, secretary of the political Government of Ciudad Real, 100 reales, but also in Asturias, for example, Lorenzo Valdés Hevia, from Gijón, 320 reales.
In total there are 9,322 reales, the question is, is it a lot or a little ?, As I have not found an economic valuation of the damages, the best is perhaps to put figures for that year or next years.
For example, we are going to see what Ruiz Cermeño receives in the position of political head of Oviedo, in his file there is a difference between his service record presented by him and what Administration presented, in his service record figures that is appointed him to the position, on May 8, 1843 takes possession on 28, until December 3, 1846, but continues on February 2, 1847, says that they are 4 years and 20 days, how you can see, the calculation has been wrong, and the salary was 40,000 reales. On the other hand, in the service sheet made by the administration, it was 3 years, 6 months and 8 days in the position, and the salary was 35,000 reales.
The Official Gazette of the Province of Oviedo cost 8 cuartos (1 cuarto 0.08 reales), 8 reales a month, 20 reales a quarter, 36 reales a semester, for the buyers of the city of Oviedo and distributed by the houses. For those outside the city were 10, 26 and 48 reales (1 pesetas 4 reales), there were 2 newsletters per week.
I do not think it was due to the floods, since it seems that it was not a punctual event, given that a newspaper in Madrid, El Posdata, spoke of a speculative business, well it published that in the second week of November 1844, of Gijón left a ship for Montevideo with 70 passengers, most of Oviedo and its council, and most were children between 10 and 12 years old, they were paid for the passage and maintenance, although also in the article it is said that the working conditions that were going to have in the place of destination were very pitiful near slavery. It must also be said that Uruguay was at that time in War.
In 1845, the allocation for the maintenance of the prisons in the councils of Asturias, was 78,000 reales.
The situation in that 1845 seems that it was not very good, the June 6, 1845 published El Español, a letter from León, that from Asturias, it was seen come whole families who asked for bread to continue road, and in the markets there are many Asturians and especially women, who had walked 14 and 15 leagues (78.02 km and 83.59 km), to bring bread for their children, although the price remained the Wheat 27 - 30 reales / fanega (RAE fanega 55.5 l ), Rye 18 - 21 reales / fanega (RAE fanega 55.5 l), and the floods of the day 21-22 of that June were still not reflected.
On May 19, 1846, the Official Gazette of the province of Oviedo published the prices of grains and species, which had been set in the various City Councils during the last 10 years
El 22/02/1844, el Ayuntamiento de Piloña, sacaba a subasta el remate del puente de Antrialgo sobre el río Piloña.
El 01/11/1846, con motivo de las elecciones al Congreso, se publicaba en un diario de Madrid, una carta desde Asturias, que no dejaba en buen lugar a Cermeño, decía que solo se dedicaba a los amaños electorales, y a la realización del balneario de Buyeres o Fuensanta (Nava), que suponía unos 30.000 o 40.000 reales, mientras seguía sin arreglar los puentes de Cornellana (el autor refleja que el coste del puente a la provincia había sido de 1 millón de reales hay una diferencia, nada menos de medio millón con otra noticia anterior), ni de Soto Luiña (Cudillero), ni de Luarca, debido a anteriores riadas 1844, 1845.
Bibliografía: Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias (BOPA), Pesos y medidas populares en Asturias – J L Pérez de Castro, Revista de Obras Públicas, Memoria sobre las Obras Públicas de 1856, 1882, Archivo Diocesano de Oviedo.
I apologize for my English
On 01/22/2019, in the North of Spain a storm passed, its biggest damages were in Asturias, where they were cut roads, railways, important losses, although the worst was the deaths, in number of 4. Currently, When a storm happens, the damage to infrastructure and populations is very great, but we cannot imagine what it would have been years ago, and if we go to 175 years ago.
In the Gaceta de Madrid (Today Official State Gazette) of June 23, 1844, they are published the parts remitted from Asturias, by the political chief (Today Government Delegate and former Civil Governor), Juan Nepomuceno Ruíz and Cermeño (Arenas de San Pedro - Avila October 27, 1795 -?), on August 5, 1843, was appointed political chief of the province of Oviedo (Gaceta de Madrid August 6, 1843) on February 12, 1847 (Official Gazette of the Province of Oviedo February 15, 1847). As curiosities during his stay in Asturias, on June 5, 1844 he signs the circular letter so that the mark can be erased, from where the vaqueiros de alzada in the churches can not pass; establishes with date December 11, 1844 (Official Bulletin Oviedo December 13, 1844), a regulation for the workers of the stone coal mines of the Aguado company from Sama de Langreo; or his efforts so that the Spa of Fuensanta (Nava - Oviedo) had the greatest advances, these baths belonged to the Provincial Charity (Oficio of January 16, 1845), truth Leocadio.
The rains took place on May 30 and 31, and on June 1, the parties were reflected by Councils, not all the Councils of Asturias appeared, only a few sent their destruction, well let's see, what Cermeño communicated to the Ministry of the Interior.
Belmonte de Miranda, (formerly called Miranda), is crossed by the valley that forms the Pigüeña River, in it, they drain out of many streams of the mountains, which, wreaked havoc on the villages, producing great losses in the smaller cattle, breaking down meadows, and dragging horreos, paneras, mills, all ended in the villages of the valley and cutting the roads, until then there was no death.
Cabrales, the Casaño bridge was razed, and farms, livestock and roads.
Candamo, El Nalón ruined the vegas of Cuero, Murias, Grullos (curious, Grullos is the capital, and is located on a hill and it doesn't have floodplain), San Román and Fenodella (in fact the name is Fenolleda), in relation to the roads, in which it goes to the bridge of Peñaflor, in Murias a bridge lost the planks of the floor, just as in the way to San Román, in Candamín, in addition it finished destroying the bridge of Vega de Lluis and 200 varas (1 vara 0,835 m.) the way from it to Pravia, many other damages can be solved with sextaferias (In Asturias, A day dedicated by the neighbours to repair of its roads).
In June of 1845, the council would return to suffer the rains, with the roads cut by the landslides, and the bridge of Murias on the Dele was totally demolished.
Cangas de Tineo (Today Cangas del Narcea), The ancient stone bridges of Santianes de Porley, Onoro and Antrago, have disappeared, as well as many other of wood that there were in the Sierra party, leaving this part of council isolated from their capital . All the roads obstructed by the many landslides (argayo, detachment of earth and stones by the slope of a mountain) that moved. On the road to Castilla, the Puenteciella stone bridge has also been taken; and some misfortunes in the cattle, hórreos and hamlets, having lost the harvest that was abundant.
Sebastián Miñano tells in his Geographic Dictionary of 1827, that in Puenteciella there was an old bridge over the Luinia River (Luiña, now Naviego), in addition to others in the El Puente hamlet and another one in Ardaliz, in the same parish of Limés, Madoz in 1847 only mentions that there were 3 bridges. Antrago belonged to the party of the Sierra, Miñano said that there were 9 bridges, Madoz in the parish of Tebongo where Antrado belongs, he says that there is an ancient stone bridge with a very high arch.
Corvera, The water took the bridges of the local roads, and not only that of Barredo in the "Camino de Avilés to Oviedo" and the wooden ones for cavalries of Campo Travieso, in the "Road of Avilés to Gijón". The worst was the death of a child in Molleda.
Cudillero, in 1844 the political chief does not communicate any misfortune, but if it appears in the press, damage in the June of 1845, ruining the sewer of the general way of the coast, in the embovedado of the river that passes through the town, opened gaps of 7, 9, 20 and 30 feet (1 foot 0.279 m, Oviedo), a 20-foot-wide stone arch and a bridge over the same river, a mill, the shore of the port and a 5-tonne boat were ruined .
In 1843 the political chief tried to convince the City Council of Cudillero and Pravia to build a pier in the Port of Cudillero and a road through the Candamo valley to the Peñaflor Bridge.
Grado, the newly bridge built on the site of de la Mayadera (perhaps the bridge of La Mata) that was on the Cubia River has disappeared, the damage caused by the Cubia in the Grado valley, varying from channel in various points, ran over trees, meadows and cattle, being in the moment incommunicado with this capital. In the distance of one legua (5,573 m.), More or less, the immediate river has taken five public service bridges, the so-called of San Pelayo (today known as the Grado bridge and the road to Oviedo), of a solidity to all test, and to which it is perceived in one of its branches a disruption of consideration.
In Trubia (Trubia passes to the Council of Oviedo in 1885) the waters have destroyed the beautiful stone bridge that, crossing the river of its name, was the only entrance of the arms factory, and has also destroyed the channel that carries the waters to the machines in an extension of 600 measuring rod (1 rod 0.835 m.). Already on March 4 of that year, there were problems with the Trubia River, broke the levees in the factory.
In June of 1845 the floods would return, the Mayor of Grado reported that small bridges had been destroyed again, and other more important ones such as the one in front of the church of Trubia, that of Agüera in the parish of Pereda that had been rebuilt after the flood of 1844, the bridge of La Podada (on the Martín River), on the road to Galicia, and the Grado River (I suppose that refers to the Cubia River) changed the riverbed causing no damage the bridge (bridge of Grado or San Pelayo) but if in the barracana. Miñano in its geographic dictionary of 1826 said that the Council had 10 bridges and 1 boat, there is to remember that Candamo in that year belonged to Grado, Madoz in 1847 in its dictionary tells us that the Cubía had a wooden bridge in Agüera of two eyes and another in Llantrales. The Cadastro de Ensenada (1752) mentions that the bridges are made of wood, except for Peñaflor, including that of San Pelayo, and that there are bridges in the parishes of Las Villas (2), Villamarin de Salcedo (2), Santianes (1), Tolinas (1), Restiello (1), Trubia (3) (Field, San Andrés, Quintana).
Laviana, it lost the rye harvest, 300 fanegas (1 fanega 74.89 liters), more 50 heads of cattle, and the future corn harvest will be low, because part of the lands near the Nalon River broke off.
Lena, most of the crops were lost, and also fundos (rustic property), the roads cut everywhere, and the same, bridges and pontoons. There are towns that had been cut off the communications, and repair them; it will be the work of months and of many workers.
Mieres, the stream called the Miñera demolished the big sewer or bridge of Cristo de la Peña, on the real road of Castilla, and continued to damage its entire width, being already, when they gave the warning, about 10 rods (1 rod 0.835 m .) the clear of the bridge and road destroyed. Curious does not mention any damage caused by the Caudal River.
Nava, the many damages caused by the waters has been the total ruin of the stone bridge, La Manga, next to the village of the same name, and half of the culvert on the bed of the Pandiella mills, immediately to the new bridge of Casancos (he is had to refer to Carancos), Ceceda parish, one and the other on the Camino Real de Balija.
Navia, the waters destroyed, bridges, mills and estates, 80 heads of wool cattle have died to a neighbor of Carcabaas de Parlero, in the stable, and others more or less, the farms and mills immediately to the rivers in many parts have disappeared , and bridges have been very few.
Noreña, has suffered such damages, the bridge called the Campanica, which puts it in a position of complete ruin, the so-called Puente Nuevo is a little less deteriorated, and carts cannot pass without exposure; that of Arrabalde was obstructed, and the pontoon called Los Pelambus, which leads to the neighborhood of La Reguera and Arguella de Siero, disappeared.
Oviedo, on the same real road of Castile, in the town called Olloniego there have been several landslides, of which only one cut the road, having been reduced to only una cobija (concave), because the opposite was devastated by the river that comes by the bridge of the Rock. This bankruptcy extends about 60 rods (1 rod 0.835 m.), and if it were to destroy the few remains of the road that remain, it would be the ruin the village. In the vicinity of this capital, Parish of Santullano, and site called de la Granja, was such the rise of the water in a house that was isolated, after having taken the river part of the corral with all the cattle, there were four people inside, some children, whose site I also went to after I heard about what happened, and there have been a lot of damages caused to the vicinity of the bridge of the Corredoría.
The rains have caused havoc in the council of Tudela (today belongs at Council of Oviedo), only for the part of the Regueros and the Chico River that crosses the place of the plain, ruined on the main road as 200 rods (1 rod 0.835 m) . It draws attention to seven houses that are on the upper side of the village and in such imminent danger, that if it is not remedied promptly, they will succumb, and then the same road will suffer the same fate. In the hijuela (small parish and belongs other parish) of Santianes a flour mill disappeared, and another two in the parish of S. Julián, of the same council. Incalculable damages caused by the Nalón in the estates that adjoin it, as well as the loss of the two bridges of San Julián and Agüeria, being incommunicado for this capital, but no for Olloniego.
Proaza, excavations of three or four states of depth have been formed (RAE Spanish Royal Academy, 1 state 49 square feet 4.55 m2), having disappeared the third part of the territorial wealth of the same, being the parish of Sograndio the one that has suffered more; could to ensure that the loss doesn't lower of 509 reais (4 reales 1 peseta). The roads were impassable, and many became useless forever. The Caudal River (this is rare because the Caudal River does not pass through Proaza, through that parish passes the Teverga River) it was carried wooden bridge in the parish of Traspeña, and caused some damages in two stone bridges of the capital of the council (the river that passes through the capital, Proaza, is Trubia River), having been disabled most of the mills and bridges located in the rivulets of the council. In 1845, one of the rebuilt bridges of the previous flood again disappeared.
Las Regueras, in the parish of Valduno, the Nalón River has excavated on the road, in the vicinity of the inn of Laspra, which has left it almost impassable for carts, and which continues to deteriorate so that it left the capital incommunicado with Grado.
Ribera de Arriba, in the place of Bueño, the Nalón broke off a piece of land and stone that destroyed a house, killing a daughter and granddaughter of the owner named Juan Suarez. The damages caused in the estates have been incalculable, disappearing the wooden bridge that gives way to the councils of Morcin, Riosa, Quirós and others, without counting some other small bridge that were used by neighbors.
Salas, Cornellana's boat was washed away by Narcea River a quarter of a league (1 mile 5,573 m.) Inland, leaving her stranded and ruining the small bridge that gave way to her, and as the bridge is intercepted because of being dilapidated, the passers-by are stopped on both sides of the river, and has paralyzed the trial of exemptions in Salas, with respect to the neighbors and soldiers who live on the other side of the river. But "it rained about wet" because on March 4, 1844, from Asturias told to Madrid newspaper, El Corresponsal, river Narcea and those that converge and descend from the councils of Belmonte and Somiedo did not leave a bridge, washed away an arc of Cornellana bridge that a few years ago cost 25,000 duros (1 hard 20 reales, 1 pesetas 4 reales) to the province. The walnut woods cut and bought by the arms factory for rifle boxes, which were in the vicinity, will be in the sea at this time.
Sama de Langreo, the lands and mountains have broken off from their state by intercepting public transit in many places, the bridges and roads having been mostly lost.
San Martín del Rey Aurelio, has taken the water part of the bridges of the parishes of Blimea, San Martin and San Andrés, there is to remember Nalon River passes through this area.
Siero, Nora River devastated the fields, meadows and whatever existed on both banks, destroyed the mills, demolished a large piece of the road that leads to this capital near the Colloto bridge, and another at the site called the Canapé, near Cortijo de la Pola, isolating the path for people on foot and also for horses. The same river has damaged the bridges of Granda, Lapaste, Noldano in Lieres and two of La Pola.
Teverga, the rains have caused incalculable damages, because it devastated the estates taking enclosures, earth and trees, until not having left any bridge of wood, nor of stone, being obstructed the communications of the towns to each other and the councils. Among the flooded land has been the cemetery of the parish of San Miguel de la Plaza, washed away a part of bodies deposited in it, of which two have been collected and buried in the church.
Well let's see what the book of the parish of San Pedro de La Plaza de Teverga said, well then in 1844, there are 9 seats of deceased, the closest to the dates of May 31, 1844, is May 26 and It was the economo who performed the burial and did not specify the place, but the previous seat if the cemetery appears, while from 31, it is the church, and will not use a temporary cemetery until March 5, 1846. In the book of the parish factory there are several expenses for works in the sacristy, and the accounts approved on Jan 12, 1848 include the following expenses: construction of the cemetery 974 reales, evened of the new cemetery and cleaning of the old one, 21 reales.
Valdés, it does not appear in the data sent by Cermeño in 1844, but if data appear from the flood the following year, on June 21 and 22, in press, no bridge or useful path was saved. Esva, Llorin, Mallene, Ferrera and Negro Rivers have done to disappear fields in Agüera, Brieves, Trevias, Balsera, Ranón, Casiellas, Cueva and Ferrera de los Gabitos, and also the mountain ones such as Castro, Pereda and Villar, and their inhabitants will have to emigrate abroad, (too fast, it seems). Even unfortunately in Habinas, a mother and 3 children died, the father was badly hurt. In Luarca, in some houses, water carried 16 quarters of water. The first damage expedient, had the valuation 3,563,620 reales (1 pesetas 4 reales). It was going to ask for the exemption of contributions for 2 years, and that the intendant of income does not ask for the payment of the arrears, because the City Council could not pay them.
Villaviciosa, took the river several windmills, pontoons and bridges, among these can be designated with certainty that of Castangudi on the road to Gijón, that of Espa in another that also leads to the same point, and the one called de Huetes in Villaviciosa. It has knocked down a wall of many rods of length, and resentful what is on foot, having to do it from the foundation. The road that leads to Oviedo has suffered great damage: the bridge of San Juan de Amandi on the aforementioned road has suffered a lot in one of its stirrups removing some stones from it.
San Pelayo Bridge or Grado Bridge 2019 (It was built in 1769)
And as those Asturian roads were, I will try to reflect some roads that existed in Asturias, well first there was a division into 3 classes, to clarify, I base myself on an article on the roads, published by El Clamor Popular in 1848, signed by F. G. de A.; general or first order roads, transverse or second order roads, third order roads, those of first order are those that depart from Madrid and cross the peninsula and end at the coasts or borders, at that time in Spain there were 10, one of they related to Asturias, Madrid to Gijón, coincided with that of Coruña until Labajos (Segovia), went by the port of Guadarrama, then to Valladolid, Rioseco, León, Puerto de Pajares, Oviedo; he explained between Valladolid and León was under construction at that time, between León and Oviedo, the road is very solid and with many fountains and abundant water, on the way up to the port there was a convent house of regular canons, similar to the monks of Mount San Bernardo, and the village of Pajares on the Asturian slope, they are very important as help in winter; between Oviedo and Gijón 4 leagues (RAE Spanish Royal Academy league 5,572.70 m.).In 1840, the newspaper El Correponsal published in several days, third order roads of Spain, well we are going to see the Asturians, here divided between horseshoe and carriage ways, good according to the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE) , a bridle path, which is so narrow that only cavalries can pass through it, but no carts.
Of horseshoe:
León - Oviedo, there were 3, by the port of Tarna (Tarna, Campo de Caso, Venta de Triero, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo) between Tarna - Oviedo 14 leagues (78.018 km). By the port of Somiedo (Port of Somiedo, Pola de Somiedo, Silviella, Grado, Oviedo) between the port of Somiedo - Oviedo 11 leagues (61.30 km). Through the port of Leitariegos (Port of Leitariegos, Carballo, Cangas de Tineo, Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo) between the port of Leitariegos - Oviedo 20 leagues (111.45 km)
Lugo - Oviedo, there were 2, one in the area of Leitariegos (Brañas, Naviego, Cangas de Tineo (today Cangas del Narcea), Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo), between Brañas - Oviedo 18 leagues (100.309 km.), It results the difference with Lugo is rare. The other by the port of Fonsagrada, in winter was impassable (Acebo, Puente de Salime (today does not exist), Borduredo, Pola de Allande, Cangas de Tineo (today Cangas del Narcea), Tineo, Salas, Grado, Oviedo), between Acebo - Oviedo 24 leagues (133.74 km).
Santander - Oviedo, there were 3, one along the coast (Colombres, Llanes, Ribadesella, Lastres, Villaviciosa, Siero, Oviedo), between Colombres - Oviedo 22 leagues (122.58 km). Another from the coast by the interior (Colombres, Llanes, Rales, Onis, Cangas de Onis, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo), between Colombres - Oviedo 21 leagues (117.03 km). On the inside (Abandames, Peñamellera, Covadonga, Cangas de Onis, Infiesto, Siero, Oviedo), between Abandames - Oviedo 19 leagues (105.88 km).
Of Carriages:
León - Oviedo, (Port of Pajares, La Muela, Campomanes, Pola de Lena, Mieres, Oviedo), between the port of Pajares - Oviedo 9 leagues (50.15 km) Oviedo - Luanco (Oviedo, Villadoveyo, Avilés, Luanco) 7 leagues (39.01 km) Oviedo - Gijón (Oviedo, Venta de Puga, Gijón) 4 leagues (22.29 km).
It seems that soon they were put to work, in the arrangements, in the same Gaceta de Madrid ( Jun 23,1844), the political chief tells us the measures taken.
"Road of Castilla, has provisionally enabled the passage at all points where it had been blocked by water or land. The plan and project for the reconstruction of the bridge of the Cristo de la Peña has been made, and the stone is being uprooted to begin with its construction.
It is also been working on the collection of materials for the reconstruction of the bridge of Ujo, it has cleared part of the ruined wall in the Flecha. It has been recognized until where the height of the water allows by the resentful wall on the Ujo bridge. The first masonry drawer has been formed to rebuild the piece of wall in the Beguallina.The stone is being carried to the sewers and walls of the piece of road that the waters carried of Olloniego. The foundations for the rebuilding of three pieces of wall in the slope of Manzaneda. The foundations have been opened to raise the ruined wall in the Blimales, and gathered in its vicinity, part of the stone necessary for this work. It is been spreading gravel in every league,the pieces that the concurrence and force of the waters left more unloaded. It has been concluded in nine points the clearing of the fallen lands to the road of the immediate mounts, and the same operation is continued in all the others of this road.
Siero, it has been enabled provisionally the step by the pieces of the road of Pola de Siero, that have been cut completely. The project of its repair and the budget of its cost have been formed, and the day for the completion of the works has been indicated.
Nava, it has been enabled the passage through the ruined bridge of Nava, and the plane of a new wooden bridge has been formed, in the replacement of the stone bridge, that the current was carried. Oviedo, the bathhouse of Las Caldas has been cleaned of the large amount of stone and earth, that the flood produced by the Gafo River introduced into it through doors and windows. Three culverts have already been built on this road; the auction has been verified for the construction of two pieces of road; all the lands detached on it have been cleaned; some narrow steps have been widened, and work is continuing to make the transit entirely expeditious.
Road of Avilés, it have been replaced earthworks, razed by the waters, and cleared the earth that it has been falled it, leaving it clear and of good transit. Work is being done on the construction of a temporary wooden bridge in the Noreña River that runs through it.
Las Regueras, on the way to Grado, a temporary step was taken for the people on foot and horses between the Balduno road (Valduno) and the inn of Aspera (it is Laspra, in the village of Paladín), and the project and budget to enable an interim carts road, and to be done with the necessary calm a general and orderly project of a road that connects the usable pieces of the existing road to the village.
Grado, was reviewed the bridge of S. Pelayo and formed the budget of channeling to avoid large damage, if there is another overflow of river water, as fearsomes as probables in the state in which its margins are."
We have a source after the flood, on October 25, 1844, José Arias de Miranda (Grado April 2, 1795 - Grado January 30, 1890), describes in the Museum of Families, a trip from Oviedo, Grado, Salas, and Miranda, and tells us , that in Las Regueras, before going up the Escamplero, a bad stone bridge is crossed over the Nora River, of the end of XVIII century, we assume that it is Puente Gallegos; enters the council of Grade by the bridge of Peñaflor, that has been resisting 300 years to the river, reason why it seems in this flood that said bridge did not have problems; it goes through the bridge over the Cubia River (San Pelayo Bridge), to enter Grado, it does not mention any deterioration and it tells us that it was built in 1769 (250 years after, it still continue, the N634 crosses it today), and it does not talk to us about more bridges over the Cubia. he continues trip to Cornellana, and tells us that to pass the river Narcea a stone bridge was used built in 1831, which was destroyed by the floods of the spring of that year; After talking about Salas and his surroundings, he goes to the Miranda (Belmonte de Miranda, now) in this council mentions the San Martín bridge, but without any specification about its status.
Arias de Miranda, and on November 25, 1843, had published in the same weekly, a geographical study, on that occasion from Oviedo to Proaza, takes us to the Nalón, by Las Caldas, Priorio, there, to cross the river to the place of Port, was with a boat, badly served and of rough construction according to his opinion, it continues road until entering the Valley of the Trubia River, in Tuñón (Santo Adriano), to the exit of the town upstream, it crosses the river for a wooden bridge, in the area of the Cave of the Notary. As you can see little information about the situation of roads, mentions an old road that is not used, from Proaza capital to Caranga, only for transit on foot.
In those times from the mouth of the Nalón, to Peñaflor (Grado - Asturias) there was no bridge, if there was rowboat service, today there are 4 of road, 2 of railway, and a pedestrian walkway although it can not be used, pending repair. To move from one shore to another a boat was used, which sometimes had tragic results, such as 29 June, 1794, when they drowned, in the Nalón River, 16 people, most of Los Cabos - Parish of Santianes - Pravia, when They went to the party of San Pedro to Soto del Barco. Although there were projects to make a bridge in Pravia, in 1871 there is already a bridge between Peñaullan and Pravia, it was made of wood, moreover, oaks from Muniellos, cut 8 to 10 years ago and conserved in the mud of the dike of the Forno, near San Esteban, his engineer was Javier Sánz and the cost of the work were 42,486.484 escudos (1 shield 10 reales 2.5 pesetas), that is, 424,486.84 reales, although there was a bridge in the road plan of 1864, including budget is established both in 1869 and 1870 for a metal bridge will not be inaugurated until May 16, 1884, curiously in April 1884 the wooden one sank, Bances already tells us about a bridge project in 1803 by the architect Apadura. Even up-river of Peñaflor bridge, there was still neither Valduno bridge, nor Trubia bridge, which was established by Royal Order of March 27, 1852 (current N634), and in the 1856 budget were allocated 687,729 reals, there was only a rowboat service, in Udrión, and the bridges of Godos and El Gubin were already demolished, at present arches are preserved.
On August 17, 1868, a definitive bridge over the river Navia was inaugurated, the bridge appeared in a debate of the Congress, between Antonio Mendez Vigo and Salustiano González Regueral, who at that time was the chief engineer in the area, and the works of the road from Bayonne to Bayonne, in the Western zone of Asturias, in the plenary session of January 04, 1865, discussed the electoral minute from Luarca, Mendez de Vigo was so far as to say that the bridge of Navia cost 4,000,000 reales ( 1 peseta 4 reales), he even asked for the construction of a definitive bridge in Canero, to replace the provisional one that the last flood had carried.
At the news that arrived to Madrid, through the circulars of the political chief, soon, there was a help of private individuals, towards Asturias, for example, already on June 20, in Fernando Casariego's canvas warehouse, in El Empecinado street from Madrid, a subscription was openned, and Alejandro Mon, Pedro Pidal contributed 1,000 reales (1 real 0.25 pesetas) each one, Juan Barzanallana 520 reales, Felipe Canga Argüelles 160 reales, The Magistral of Teverga 100 reales, Count of Vigo 500 reales, Pablo Mata Vigil 400 reales, Fernando Fernández Casariego 1,000 reales, Fernando Rubín de Celis 320 reales, José García Jove 160 reales, José Fernández de la Vega 260 reales, Juan Díaz Argüelles 100 reales, Francisco Javier Tames Hevia 400 reales, Francisco Agustín Méndez Vigo 80 reales, Society of Iris, insurance against hail and stone, the donations of the company are broken down into, General Direction 1,000 reales, Government Board 500 reales, Employees of Direction 118 reales, Francisco de Paula Ruíz inspector general 100 reales, Santos Sanz 60 reales shareholder, José A Martínez inspector of Badajoz, R.C.D. shareholder, Francisco Navarro shareholder, Alejandro Viesa shareholder, Bernardo Suárez Cobian shareholder 40 reales each one, Manuel Bitrian shareholder 24 reales , N.A. shareholder, Pedro Sánchez Ocaña shareholder, Manuel Foncea and Cuellar shareholder, Lucas López shareholder, Manuel Peg shareholder 20 reales each one.
But not only from Madrid, Pedro María Fernández Villaverde had arrived from Havana, 800 reales, Fermín Canella Meana, secretary of the political Government of Ciudad Real, 100 reales, but also in Asturias, for example, Lorenzo Valdés Hevia, from Gijón, 320 reales.
In total there are 9,322 reales, the question is, is it a lot or a little ?, As I have not found an economic valuation of the damages, the best is perhaps to put figures for that year or next years.
For example, we are going to see what Ruiz Cermeño receives in the position of political head of Oviedo, in his file there is a difference between his service record presented by him and what Administration presented, in his service record figures that is appointed him to the position, on May 8, 1843 takes possession on 28, until December 3, 1846, but continues on February 2, 1847, says that they are 4 years and 20 days, how you can see, the calculation has been wrong, and the salary was 40,000 reales. On the other hand, in the service sheet made by the administration, it was 3 years, 6 months and 8 days in the position, and the salary was 35,000 reales.
The Official Gazette of the Province of Oviedo cost 8 cuartos (1 cuarto 0.08 reales), 8 reales a month, 20 reales a quarter, 36 reales a semester, for the buyers of the city of Oviedo and distributed by the houses. For those outside the city were 10, 26 and 48 reales (1 pesetas 4 reales), there were 2 newsletters per week.
I do not think it was due to the floods, since it seems that it was not a punctual event, given that a newspaper in Madrid, El Posdata, spoke of a speculative business, well it published that in the second week of November 1844, of Gijón left a ship for Montevideo with 70 passengers, most of Oviedo and its council, and most were children between 10 and 12 years old, they were paid for the passage and maintenance, although also in the article it is said that the working conditions that were going to have in the place of destination were very pitiful near slavery. It must also be said that Uruguay was at that time in War.
In 1845, the allocation for the maintenance of the prisons in the councils of Asturias, was 78,000 reales.
The situation in that 1845 seems that it was not very good, the June 6, 1845 published El Español, a letter from León, that from Asturias, it was seen come whole families who asked for bread to continue road, and in the markets there are many Asturians and especially women, who had walked 14 and 15 leagues (78.02 km and 83.59 km), to bring bread for their children, although the price remained the Wheat 27 - 30 reales / fanega (RAE fanega 55.5 l ), Rye 18 - 21 reales / fanega (RAE fanega 55.5 l), and the floods of the day 21-22 of that June were still not reflected.
On May 19, 1846, the Official Gazette of the province of Oviedo published the prices of grains and species, which had been set in the various City Councils during the last 10 years
1 Fanega 74,14 l., Hemina 18,56l., 1 pesetas 4 reales, Rs (Reales) Ms (Maravedís), 1 maravedí 0,03 reales.
Council Spelt Wheat Rye Corn Bean Chestnut
It surprises a thing, on December 31, 1844, the Official Gazette of the province of Oviedo, published an record of the Ministry of the Interior, in which donations were requested for the island of Cuba, due to a hurricane suffered on October 4 and 5 of that year, well in that same Bulletin, donors appear from Asturias, Juan Ruiz and Cermeño 100 reales, Juan Herrer and Rero, secretary 40 reales and officers Genaro Alas, Joaquín Fernández, Lorenzo Bango and Juan Camino with 20 reales each one, but Asturias was not that bad.
On February 22, 1844, the City Council of Piloña, auctioned off the auction of the Antrialgo bridge over the Piloña river.
On November 1, 1846, on the occasion of the elections to the Congress, a letter was published in a Madrid newspaper, from Asturias, which did not leave Cermeño in good stead, he said that he only dedicated himself to the electoral deceits, and to the realization of the spa of Buyeres or Fuensanta (Nava), that supposed about 30,000 or 40,000 real, while it continued without fixing the bridges of Cornellana (the author reflects that the cost of the bridge to the province had been of 1 million reals there is a difference, nothing less than half a million with another previous news), neither of Soto Luiña (Cudillero), nor of Luarca, due to previous floods 1844, 1845.
Bibliography: Official State Gazette (BOE), Official Gazette of the Principality of Asturias (BOPA), Popular Weights and Measures in Asturias - JL Pérez de Castro, Public Works Memory, Report on Public Works of 1856, 1882, Diocesan Archive of Oviedo.
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